Just got back, put on 10 miles. Rode past a cop, and he didn't do nothing. I would assume there was an accident, lotsa sirens in the past hour. Didn't do a whole lot of ditch banging, the 2 times I rode along the cty hwy by my neighborhood, the cop JUST HAPPENED to go by lol. I quickly cut into my neighborhood, flew down the road to my house, parked it in the back and threw the cover on it and ran inside. Mostly just rode riding in my neighborhood. Figured I might as well just ride my dads sled, since I had his in the garage working on it. The plugs were jet black, so I ordered a 182 jet to go to 182/185, the plugs are LEAN but I think it has to do with the exhaust leak at the y-pipe. Grafoil seal fell apart, I figured I'll order it next fall, so I just rode it anyways
Had a hard time keeping my goggles clean of snow! Measured 7" so far, and we're supposed to get 5-8" overnight? Say it IS so!