Is this uncommon for 4 years old?


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It was the first time he has ever been to the park with his bike. He has seen his older brother a couple times, but never rode before.


Well-known member
Monkey See, Monkey Do! Not uncommon, but, at 4 he has no fear. Wait till he tries catching Big Air:eek:, you may be cleaning more than your pants!-Mezz


Well-known member
That's awesome! I would encourage him to push himself and get into it as a sport once he is old enough. Obviously safety first and you don't want him to get hurt, but everyone has to learn sometimes.

I'm not sure how far you can with that sport but it could always lead him to new things. Maybe he'll be the next Burandt if you end up moving to Colorado. =)


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… Obviously safety first and you don't want him to get hurt, but everyone has to learn sometimes. …
What, riding shirtless at four years of age? Brilliant!
That'll change after he picks up his first road rash!
(At least he's wearin' an egg crate "Ontonagon"!)
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Active member
What, riding shirtless at four years of age? Brilliant!
That'll change after he picks up his first road rash!
(At least he's wearin' an egg crate "Ontonagon"!)

Don't you know, the only way you can look cool with a helmet on is if you have no shirt on! Sometimes we have to compromise I guess.


New member
Awesome! My 4.5 yr old still has training wheels and doesn't know how to brake. She's too busy looking for flowers to pick along the way.


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snoluver - normal is a sliding scale!?! :eek: I have no clue what is and isn't normal anymore with kids these days. But - if you're gonna lead a horse to water...or as the case may be a kid to a bike park, he's gonna go! My oldest was building ramps at 3 when there were still boys in my 'hood who didn't have training wheels off at 6. I have a 3 speed freak boys...and a ramp? well, that just gets ya goin faster, right? I think it's cool and I think it's cooler still that ya caught it on vid - will be fun to show him when he gets older.

frnash - too true on the road rash. My oldest still pulls those crash stories out of his arsenal for papers in middle school.

nic - agree with PR1...that's cute! It would be nice to not have total speed freaks in the house who might be interested in saying "Hey! Look at THIS!" instead of "HEY! Look at ME!" :)


I would strongly recommend elbow & knee pads, also gloves. Since he is small and low to the ground the center of gravity is on his side. In the video you can hear his front gear bash the coping, that can hang you up. Good luck and the little guy has a future!!!!;)

GT makes a killer 16 or 18 inch bike called EL Centro,,,killer bike for little guys. In fact I am getting one for my 6 yr old in less than 2 weeks, they cost $250

Last years model is a metallic purple and look nice. I know a dealer that has a few left over and sells them for $250 and 20 shipping


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I'm wondering if I should be looking for sponsors or washing my shorts. I was more scared watching him then he was doing it for the first time!

Exactly what I thought when I challenged my boy (just before turning 3) in this pic to run his tryke down the trailer ramp. Either way, I was pretty impressed that he set himself up on there and went. Boys will be boys!


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Exactly what I thought when I challenged my boy (just before turning 3) in this pic to run his tryke down the trailer ramp. Either way, I was pretty impressed that he set himself up on there and went. Boys will be boys!

what did mom think of that? :)

regardless that is a picture to hang onto forever!


New member
Awesome! My 4.5 yr old still has training wheels and doesn't know how to brake. She's too busy looking for flowers to pick along the way.

7 & 9 yr old girls int the same boat here!! Training wheels?? I still can't believe they need em but my girls are a little timid in some things.

Fish, on the other hand, they want to be right there "disecting them" with me when I am cleaning!!

Snoluver- keep his shiny side up! Looks great.


Active member
if he does keep it up he will get broken bones sooner or me...i rode bmx when i was younger and got a few broken bones and the lights knocked out of me.I use to dirt jump....10ft or so in the air with 8-10ft gaps. Just a fair warning.Yes i was wearing a helmet and pads.


New member
Well contrary to the warning label on a 4 wheeler, my son @4 was driving 1 around the yard with me & my 16yr old neighbor running next to him. He had a crash helmet on and we had the governer screw set at 1/4 throttle.

I can still remember my wife waking me up out of a cat nap on the recliner saying " wake up " Matt is riding the 4 wheeler..... Talk about an adrenaline surge... so of course I went outside and joined in the chase. I had my kids (son and older daughters ) on kitty kats & z120's when they were very young. It taught them respect for the machines.

Seems like I'm the only one who ended up breaking bones.


New member
That's great!!! Better than video games! I remember making ramps held up by bricks nad making my sister and my dog sit behind the ramp as I jumped over them. :) Good times...Good times :D