A person wouldn't think they could screw up bags but they certainly can. Once again you get what you pay for. You can buy some cheap bags that are nearly impossible to open and do nothing but cause frustration to the customers or you can pony up five cents a bag for bags that actually open and don't fall apart if you put something heavier than pit as potato chips. Nothing is simple.I don't like self check outs . I almost sat down and cried at one because I couldn't get their darn plastic bags to open to put my stuff in ............ and I was paying with a check, yep I still occasionally do, and they have to have someone there for that transaction.
I hope I am done before I have to buy self checking equipment. As it is right now we are running more computer power than the Apollo missions just to keep pricing straight. In MN you have to back out the taxes on electronic food stamps. For the WIC program the qualifying items keep changing and you have to stay on top of that. The recent shortage and outright outages in baby formula has really screwed things up. There used to be two basic kinds of baby formula. Similac and Enfamil. Now there are about 50 kinds. Which is stupid. Similac and Enfamil worked for 50 years just fine. Now if your baby farts there is a special formula your pediatrician will tell you you just have to get. It is stupid. It is a wonder any of us are even alive after having to go through farting as an infant. But try telling that to a new mother.