it's cold people



-1 right now in Greenland without windchill.

On the plus side, My remodeling project is holding heat well, R26 in the walls and R40+ in the ceiling. Heating with a pellet stove and was 71 inside with 4 above outside most the day.


New member
I am so glad I read this post!! I don't feel so cold now. My thermometer is reading 9 above here just south of Kalamazoo. Thanks for "warming me up".
Its cold down here in northern illinois too -3 at 900pm in Cortland,illinois , Gotta love this weather. Still not as cold as it is up by you lenny


New member
-19 on the truck thermometer
-13 on the home station

just got in from service calls for no heats most of the day, one house was frozen solid plumbing, not good.

Be smart, stay warm and cover the skin up!


New member
you guys are balmy. -37 last night. -30 and dropping now. whatever the low is should be right at sun up. i'm north enough to still use the F scale and not quite north enough for the C scale.


New member
yup it was cold in the north woods : My buddie told us he filled the 40 pound propane tank to our camper in fall and the other tank was 1/2 full ..the dip sh@# who filled the tank never really filled it .and charged him for filling a 40 pound tank that lasted 1 night or 8 hrs --13 below the 1st night ((thursday)). the second night we put a 20 pounder we had sitting around on since the 40's were empty ((should have had enough for 2-- 24hr days at 70 degrees inside between 2 - 40's ---not !!)) the 20 lasted 12 hrs then burrrr fri night it was -13 to -20 below warm but p.o.ed generator blew a gasket on recoil side we suspect --now making noise puddlel of oil underneath gen not cool . called it quits came home last night ((saterday )). -10 when we were headed home . word to the wise make shure your propane tanks are full when filled by a dip sh@# young kid and done correctly !! AS FOR STAYING IN OUR CAMPER IN WINTER AGAIN NOT till spring !!


New member
-29 in Aitkin this morning. Spent about 6 hours in the groomer yesterday afternoon and only saw about 10 sleds out. Must be to cold out to even ride I guess.


Well-known member
temps sank like a rock last night 8pm-18 then started to warm up about 5 above now. It was cold yesterday spent about 2hrs outside doing chores.


the up can get cold but I notice eagle river wisc is generally cooler than us 65 miles norther, if norther is a word, NOT!!!!

a warm 13 right now and light snow, going to paint now


New member
drove by your project on New Years Eve Lenny when giving my family a tour of the Mass/Greenland area. What a cool building! My wife was guessing that the house next to your building was probably used to house teachers. What would your guess be?


Well-known member
I was in Loveland,CO for the holidays and drove home yesterday, it was 48 degrees in Northern Colorado on the van thermometer and 13 hours later in eastern ND it was -32, an 80 degree swing in 13 hours.


New member
Didn't quite make 40 below last night. But chilly for sure. This was 8 am this morning - 1-3-10


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