Did you see the Christopher Columbus statue get toppled at the Capitol in St. Paul. Really F...uped situation. They (law enforcement) knew it was going to happen. And what time it was planned for. News anchor asked the police commissioner about it a half hour before it was supposed to happen. He said they were aware of it, and would have state troopers there. But these dumb *** officials let it happen. I am SO PISSED OFF about that. What in the world is the thinking to let it happen. Don't think they even arrested anyone for it (not completely sure though). Supposedly a trooper was there to explain there is a LEGAL way to bring up removing the statue. They even could have covered it while the process was happening, to give the protesters a sense of things going the way they wanted. But to let them topple it and damage it,
IS SO WRONG. Sends the message they can do what ever they want. What a **** show.
Like the first night of curfew. Didn't move into the area around the 5th precinct for 48 minutes after the curfew time. Then these BOZO'S come from upwind launching tear gas. It just blew back at the officers and guardsmen. Didn't even get on the protesters. If they'd of come from the downwind side, and let the gas engulf the protesters, they'd of been headed home to shower and change clothes. But since no one got gassed, they just re-grouped several blocks away. Then stand off against them. No wonder we don't win wars anymore, with tactical planning like that. How hard is it to figure out which way the wind is blowing. Lick your finger stick it up in the air, what ever side feels cold the wind is coming from. Really goes to show the rest of us that civil disobedience is acceptable. Pretty sad as far as I'm concerned.
Whats their next demand going to be? Cash payments for their 400 years of discrimination?
The media with all their coverage of the funerals for George, and not so much as a single word about David Dorn. The retired police captain from St. Louis, killed by looters during the riots. Or the other officers killed during this bull****. Where's the justice in that? Sure makes a guy want to go POSTAL.