It's that time again for the John Dee woods cam spool contest!


Well-known member
Whats you guess when the spool will be GONE?
I say March 10th
Scottiking OUT

Winner gets the HOOP!ZIP! NOTHIN!
Unless someone wants to donate a prize!



Well-known member
Noticed that this week it was building up pretty good. Pretty amazing since December was a wash.
I don't think it will happen this year. But in case it does I'll say April 1st . Lol


Active member
" Whats you guess when the spool will be GONE? "

Jd keeps a pretty close watch on his property, as we all do. But I think I remember some mention of hangin' out with some of the Tech boys.. so thats a tough one. Would anyone be that bold ?


New member
Now now now. It should be not this season, this year runs till next December. And after this winter maybe just maybe we will get nailed next season and bury that mother. .... by the end of December


Well-known member
Kind of a joke this year eh? never really got close!
Rain and more melting today!
Sadly I only got one day of riding with up on the hood snow this season!

Scottiking POUT