Jackson Hole POV


New member
That hill is friken wicked...during the ski season the groomer is let down the hill by a cable......Carter rode with the groomer guy one time and said your pointed strait up and down.......


New member
Yep Techsledder I just picked me up one of those bad boys to plow my driveway here in Indiana. Pretty sure she'll do the job.


New member
Carter Sez.....

Been up the climb in the seniors bracket 2 times. DQed the third time. !st trip up I made it to the cat walk. Went over to put brakes on for the ride down and could not stop shaking... Adrenaline rush like nothing I have ever felt in my whole life. 2nd trip was a bust... on a $30,000 mod. The owner said he didn't care if there was damage. gate 8 got me and I had 1 second to decide about that damage. I bailed and lived to ride another day. Sled unharmed. By the way it was Don Nelson's "Bone Stock" 1220cc. I think i got to gate 8 in 1/2 a sacond. It was all a blurr. Anyway.....