John can you translate this and give your take on what it means??


New member
As John is down I'll throw in my 2 cents....long story short is the "mild" El Nino is ending and more "normal" months are ahead of us. This is how I read the short term....don't care about the long term because it's probably wrong anyway. ****...the whole thing is likely a waste of time.

IF I read it even 1/10th right and we are at the end of a "mild" El Nino, I'd hate to see what a severe El Nino would be like.

But I know John will correct and scold me when he's up to it. :)


Staff member
There is a lot going on in that write up and I really do not even know where to start, but I guess in a nutshell...Conditions have been running very close to being an El Nino, but not to the point where they want to declare it official. El Nino is so 80's, it's all about Climate Change these days. LOL. They feel there is a 50-50 chance of El Nino to occur this spring and then conditions to return to neutral state regardless. The rest is about different tools used to make up the February, March, April (FMA) forecast for the US that was issued back on Jan 15th.



Written by Meteorologists for Meteorologists, a lot of fancy terminology and well, "Shop Talk" that ends up sounding like a bunch of jibberish to us layfolk. But yea, they were predicting a mild El Nino this year, but had never officially called it thus.

John, I have to say, I was reading your seasonal outlook again, you really nailed it this year, especially discussing the north east (e.g. "Boston"), although I don't think Bostonians would agree with it being "Beneficial". LOL :cool:


Staff member
Written by Meteorologists for Meteorologists, a lot of fancy terminology and well, "Shop Talk" that ends up sounding like a bunch of jibberish to us layfolk.

For what it is worth, it sounded like a lot of jibberish to me too! Remember: When in doubt...use big words, fancy terms and lots and lots of acronyms!
