JohnDee needs a Facebook page !!


New member
It could be an easier way to post photo's or video's along with are thoughts since the FB team would supervise the site.

Just trying to keep ya in the IN CROWD John !!

Maybe someone has mentioned it before,so sorry to bother you if so !!
THanks for all you put into this 4 us !


New member
This site generates income for John I believe. Im sure he wouldnt want another page the directs people away from that. Not trying to speak for him, just speculating.


Staff member
This site generates income for John I believe. Im sure he wouldnt want another page the directs people away from that. Not trying to speak for him, just speculating.

That is exactly it. While I am not getting rich off this website, I do put in many hours a day for it's upkeep and so there needs to be some kind of re-embursement for my time as I am not retired and need to provide for my family. Website revenue is closely tied to the amount of visitors a website has, so to send folks to another website would be like be handing over money to that other website. I think facebook is doing pretty good all on it's own. Besides, I would not be surprised that in another 3-5 years, the next best thing will roll along and facebook will be a footnote in history.


Grant Hoar

New member

Can you tell us what that next best thing is (I promise not to share it with anyone) so we can all invest in that, get rich, retire, and spend our graying years snowmobiling?


Staff member

Can you tell us what that next best thing is (I promise not to share it with anyone) so we can all invest in that, get rich, retire, and spend our graying years snowmobiling?

I wish I knew, boy do I wish I knew! But it's inevitable. Something new always comes along. My advice. Watch the 14-18 year olds, they pick up on these things much faster than those of us that are longer in the tooth.



New member
OK THanks for all that you do here for us,IT REALLY IS APPRECIATED !!
This site generates income for John I believe. Im sure he wouldnt want another page the directs people away from that. Not trying to speak for him, just speculating.

Deleted member 10829


Can you tell us what that next best thing is (I promise not to share it with anyone) so we can all invest in that, get rich, retire, and spend our graying years snowmobiling?

I was reading an article about the upcoming Facebook IPO of stock and how it will make at least 1,000 people instant millionaires. The one case that really caught my eye was the artist that painted murals on the walls of the first office FB opened. Rather than being paid in cash, he took stock options, and his stock is estimated to be worth $200 million once the IPO happens!! Yes, $200 million. Not a bad business decision on his part. Can you even imagine?


Active member
That is exactly it. While I am not getting rich off this website, I do put in many hours a day for it's upkeep and so there needs to be some kind of re-embursement for my time as I am not retired and need to provide for my family. Website revenue is closely tied to the amount of visitors a website has, so to send folks to another website would be like be handing over money to that other website. I think facebook is doing pretty good all on it's own. Besides, I would not be surprised that in another 3-5 years, the next best thing will roll along and facebook will be a footnote in history.


I notice there is a option to " Be the first of your friends to like this on Facebook " included on each thread. And you do have a Facebook page. Just wonder your thoughts now


Active member
Facebook is an invitation to Cyber attack!

FB is a "networking" scheme, networks of networks networked to ever more networks.
An interpenetrating matrix of "friends" "friending" other "friends" to many levels.
Do you know all these "friends" and their friends, etc. etc. to endless levels?

Can you imaging some nefarious hacker individual or darknet organization walking through these linked FB entities gathering personal information? That's a bit bigger deal than "Someone trying to log into your account on Discussion Board with an incorrect password at least 5 times."

Are you sure you really want to be linked in such a chain?

Most FBers are not themselves evil, but largely far too innocent, trusting IT novices, with little awareness of internet security. Their vulnerabilities can easily be your vulnerabilities.

Incidentally, what's the benefit to ME to "like" some FB entity? I don't get it.

From Wikipedia: Facebook:
"Users quitting

"A 2013 study examined the reasons users eventually quit the site. It found the most common reasons were privacy concerns (48%), general dissatisfaction with Facebook (14%), negative aspects regarding Facebook friends (13%) and the feeling of getting addicted to Facebook (6%). Facebook quitters were found to be more concerned about privacy, more addicted to the Internet and more conscientious."
But that's just my professional opinion.

As an afterthought, this site might be an informative, educational read:

From (click →) "Facebook Privacy: 10 Settings Every User Needs to Know". Yes, it's four years old now, but interesting none the less.
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Staff member
I notice there is a option to " Be the first of your friends to like this on Facebook " included on each thread. And you do have a Facebook page. Just wonder your thoughts now

I do not know where the "Be the first of your friends to like this on Facebook" is showing up or how it got there, but I did create a FB page for the site. I use it primarily as an announcement mechanism. I can use the power and bandwidth of FB to get the word out about things going on in the site. I still have no plans to put any real content of the site (other than a "teaser") on FB though.


PS- I still do not know what the next big thing will be, but have a feeling that with all the negativity on FB at the moment, it would very well implode during the next election cycle...or not! :)


Before I decided to be an innkeeper my career was in product marketing and market research. I find the whole Facebook thing fascinating. A product has 4 stages, introduction, growth (branding), maturity (profit), and decline. Facebook is clearly in the maturity stage, having surpassed 1 billion users, and now on every mobile device you can find. But I wonder about the "burnout" and "trust" factors. Seven months ago I realized I was wasting a whole bunch of time looking at Facebook posts I didn't care about, so I cleaned out my FB Friends to 36 people. When I did that I spent a whole lot less time staring at my phone. The next thing i did was I decided to never post again, because a post gets a like, gets a comment, and a like to the comment and there you are, back in the swamp. I still have my FB account because it is linked to the business, when that is sold I am done.

I wonder if FB is entering the decline stage? As FB comes up with new ideas to maintain relevance it becomes harder to use and less private. And it is a lot like cable TV in a way. The cable TV industry delivers hundreds of channels to our homes, but the average subscriber watches only 17. Why? Because of lack of content. The technology is great, but the lack of content is causing subscriber declines as people switch to Hulu, Netflix, HBO on demand delivered where and when they want it. FB is kinda the same, the technology is fantastic, but the content is turning into a vast swamp of irrelevance. People will get out of the pool when the see it is polluted.

Facebook's big successful premise upon intro was that it is free. And that will be it's demise. Giving something for free reduces "stickyness", that is, if the customer has no skin in the game they have no risk in leaving. If you had to pay $500 to join Facebook in the beginning you would have a financial commitment, like Costco or Amazon Prime with their membership fees. Now, there is no commitment to the brand or the product, I have no downside to quit.

It will be interesting to watch, because the site is supported by ad revenue, and if the returns on that ad spend decline the revenue will decrease. And I'm also not sure you can get more than a billion people to do anything, kind of a saturation point I would think.

Anyway, will be interesting to watch to see if people tire of it. The product is 11 years old now.

FB is a "networking" scheme, networks of networks networked to ever more networks.
An interpenetrating matrix of "friends" "friending" other "friends" to many levels.
Do you know all these "friends" and their friends, etc. etc. to endless levels?

Can you imaging some nefarious hacker individual or darknet organization walking through these linked FB entities gathering personal information? That's a bit bigger deal than "Someone trying to log into your account on Discussion Board with an incorrect password at least 5 times."

Are you sure you really want to be linked in such a chain?

Most FBers are not themselves evil, but largely far too innocent, trusting IT novices, with little awareness of internet security. Their vulnerabilities can easily be your vulnerabilities.

Incidentally, what's the benefit to ME to "like" some FB entity? I don't get it.

From Wikipedia: Facebook:But that's just my professional opinion.

As an afterthought, this site might be an informative, educational read:

From (click →) "Facebook Privacy: 10 Settings Every User Needs to Know". Yes, it's four years old now, but interesting none the less.


The guys on Weatherbrains (all meteorologists) have discussed social media alot and which platform is best to get their brand out. Seems the consensus for them is to have their own personal versions of social media and bring people to their page by providing accurate forecasts that are updated. Hmm.. seems kind of like here..