Just say NO


New member
So just out of curosity, do you get money for just having them their to view, or do you get money from people clicking on an add? Because I can do a hole lot of clicking if it makes you more money?


P.S. I think it is a great idea, I don't mind adds, but hate membership fees.


New member

One of the things I am not allowed to do is discuss how the ads produce revenue for me. Actually Google does not even share their formula. I can see how much money the ads have generated and can say the ads produced revenue in the past 24 hours and I was pleased with the results.



New member
I support any way to make this site keep going. I did not even notice the adds untill people started chatting about them. We are so used to the addes every where it is like the bill boards going down the hiway. I personaly will now keep clicking on the adds now just to see if this will help bring in more $ for your site. If this works it is a very simple way that I can donate. Who knows I might even find somthing I am interested in.
Again Thank you for your time and efforts with this site, and keeping us all posted on the thing we all love. SNOW


New member
I have an idea...Mods...delete these threads as soon as they pop up on here. John has spoken...adds stay...end of the story.



New member
'these ads are no big deal'

I take back what I said before,
these ads are a big deal,
they are a blast,
they actually update to the thread,
with all kinds of deals and ideas,
this is like a Christmas present to a surfer,
I've already discovered several sites
I never knew existed,

Thanks again John
Merry Christmas


New member
I dont like the adds but if it helps pay for the high cost of fuel for you to go out and ride and bring back some good pictures go for it!
I like checking out the pictures of the winter snow you take from the ares that are less traveled.


New member
It's called earning a living, we all do it in some form or another.

John has always conducted business on this site in a very respectable manner. That's why this site is so popular. From what I see the ads do not distract from the function or content of the site.


New member
I must be missing something here. When the ads first appeared I simply smiled. In my "humble" opinion, anyone who would complain about anything on this site needs to find another site that he/she can openly make suggestions to the owner of that site. I believe that most of us have never looked for anything wrong, but simply appreciate our priviledge of spending our time enjoying and learning from John Dee and others who post useful information on a wide variety of subjects!

I'd venture to say that nobody here could or would come up with the money to pay for this priviledge.