Hemie - my primary question(s) would be: how long do you want to drive to get to riding, and how long of a ride do you want to take?
If wanting to keep it a shorter day, then you'll be fine S of the bridge. Trail 3 from Mass City to Toivola (~30 miles one-way) got two groomer passes on Monday night, and I'm sure is still snow covered, mostly smooth, and likely in good condition come Saturday even if it doesn't get groomed again. It would be a nice 60 mile ride to close out the season.
If you have the time and ambition, I would wholeheartedly recommend riding north of the bridge on Saturday as long as things stay similar to what they were yesterday. There is ~100 miles of very good to excellent trails there, with some fair to good sections mixed in. And if you are fine with "there and backs" (which you would be doing if riding south of the bridge), here is my "optimal" very good - excellent trails condition recommended route for Saturday:
Drop at Gipp Arena in Laurium at the trailhead of 153.
Take 3 north to Delaware, and ride 134 / 135 to Copper Harbor (get gas in Copper Harbor).
You can either double back to Delaware on 134 / 135, or take 3 on Brockway. Brockway will have a few bare stretches, but was completely worth it yesterday before it got super warm.
Mix in a there-and-back from Lac La Belle to Gay on 133. (Don't take 122 to make a loop)
Trail 130 will also be mostly very good.
And if after all of that you still want more miles, take trail 17 from Calumet to north of Hancock and back.
Hopefully that wasn't all to confusing... But as I count it, that would be upwards of up to 160 miles total on trails which were all nearly excellent yesterday.