Klim F4 @ Costco


Crazy deal, Klim F4 in S, M or L at Costco in Lake Forest/Mettawa for $149. Had a bunch on the shelf, only color was black. Too bad my noggin is an XL...


Well-known member
Scheels also is selling Klim nowadays. Ecklunds has the SWEET anniversary edition in red and blue for $175. Next fall if i have money left over after sticking money into my sled (assuming i will), I will probably get a nicer helmet setup including 509 goggles (i heard they don't seal well, but they look cool lol) quick straps, and a klim helmet. I've seen some killer deals on these, they're $140 for the standard colors at ecklunds too.


Active member
hopefully Klim hasn't done what a lot of mfg's do when they sell at places like this. They make one type for them which is not as good as what the other guy may sell.