Klim or FXR


New member
Im in the market for snow pants and just curious how the FXR Vertical pants compare to the klim free ride pants. There is quite a price diffrenece between the but looking for the best bang for my buck and stay dry.


Active member
Can't speak on behalf of Klim, but I've been completely satisfied with my FXR Nitro series gear. I've used it in every range of temp, and have never been to cold or warm. The jacket came with the liner, but I haven't used it yet. If I were to gripe about one thing it would be the moisture the guts of the jacket/pants collects from my "wick away" under garments. If you break sweat while digging out (Which I do alot) the moisture will wick directly from your body into the insulation, and build up. I don't notice it while riding, but at the end of the day, you can feel it in the jacket and pants.


New member
Klim, I never have that problem with my gear that's why I switched. Warm and dry from start to beer thirty!


New member
Ive had bibs from both. The FXR stuff all the logos and patches started coming apart and falling off after a thousand or so miles and the Klim bibs have been very good to me.
The Klims are warm and dry and are well worth the money.


New member
If you have the money. Go with Klim.
If you would like to save some money, & still have good quality gear, go with FXR.
I have an FXR jacket that I have had for over 3 years & 6,000 hard miles of riding & it is still as good as new. Just a little dirty.


New member
thanks for the advice ill probably just bite the bullet and get the klim pants now that i can afford them with the all the snowplowing in the last week.
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New member
Klim > FXR

But I would choose neither and go with one year old left over bibs from my local sled dealer for $100.