gravy is the way to go on a pastie, they are kinda bland IMO but with a bit of gravy they rock,,,oh yea, little salt and peppa
Well yes you can, but probably not from the Cornish Pasty Co. here in AZ.… Frnash - ah, I could ORDER my pasties!! I'll have to check that out! …
That reminds me of one flight into CMX for a visit to da Copper Country. Apparently my passenger had developed a major case of hunger since our last fuel stop at Devils Lake, ND (DVL), and upon arrival at CMX, promptly found the vending machine and bought a "pastry". Ooops! Not quite. And even the short visit to the adjacent microwave oven probably didn't yield the best introduction to a pasty, either!I pronounced pasty wrong some 15+ years ago …
The frozen pasties made it home!!! (Oh, the husb and kid did too!) AWESOME!! If I was hungry, I'd heat one up NOW!
Art and son (Sam) and the rest of the pack said the strudels were EXCELLENT!!
Thank you so much for taking good care of us! Art was REALLY impressed with the strudel but even more impressed with the snowmobile service you had! He loved the "old school, you can tell they really cater to the snowmobilers joint! Where else can you get gas, any part you'd need WITH some kick butt food???" And Art's a hard man to impress!
Deb, I loved the note! (It's cool cuz it's all greasy and sled ridden torn up!??!) Next time I'm in da UP, I'll let you know so I can try and say hi!
Thanks again to all the JD'ers and to Krupps!
windingtrail gal (NO, Greg, not whineytrail gal?!?!)