Labor Day 2010


Active member
See everyone Sat. @ 10 cst. @ Konteka. Can't wait to get out & ride. I'm all loaded UP & ready to go!!


Active member
Well if we can go we'll be there right on time, if we're not there we couldn't make it....either way hope it's a great time sounds like it should be


Active member
Well if we can go we'll be there right on time, if we're not there we couldn't make it....either way hope it's a great time sounds like it should be

If you can't make it we could try again another weekend before the snow flys. We'll get hooked UP & ride sometime that's forsure.


New member
mrsrunningbear..heck yeah come and join us. The more the merrier. Four wheels / two wheels its all good. According to the weather channel its gonna be a beautiful day for riding.
nytro.. had a rain day today so I gave the honda an oil change and set my valves..Im good to go! Can't wait.
See ya'll on Saturday.


New member
I can't make it this weekend. Something came up. NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!!!!
Hpoefully a fall color ride??


New member
On the way to U P right now, will be riding out of Marinesco in the morning with the rzr. Definitely be at Rogers at some point.


Active member
well us Bears and the Skidoodragons will be heading out 11:00amish (est) we're getting a late start, mrs skidoodragon is getting a rental today 10:00am pickup so she has her own to ride hope to run into some of you and hope the rain stops, radar is clear and it's pouring right now :(


Active member
ended up 8 of us out on the trails, 107 miles what great trails and a great time. Can't believe we didn't cross paths with anyone, hope ya'll had as good of a time as we did!!


Active member
ended up 8 of us out on the trails, 107 miles what great trails and a great time. Can't believe we didn't cross paths with anyone, hope ya'll had as good of a time as we did!!

Glad you guys had a good time out ridin. We were having a great ride also, but got cut a lil short for me when I blew my back tire on my bike comin into Rockland. So I made the call to have the wife come pick me UP at Henry's and the other two worked their way back over to W.P. so atleast they got to ride more then me. I had my other bike along so we still got to do some more bike ridin and also some RZR ridin. The weather was perfect all weekend for ridin, can't wait to get back UP & ride.


New member
Did you spool up the KX5? if so how did like the trails?Thanks again Randy for the trail guiding All the way back to waste water wi I kept saying to myself man what a blast.I need to find more of the less developed stuff to ride.Mark do you have any place that we can ride here in Ill.? pm me when you get a minute to discuss if you don't mind


New member
Anytime Carl. To bad you were so busy you could have stuck around to see the KX 500 haul arse down the trails, I swamped the KTM 360 hard. Fouled a plug, damn two strokes. Till next time.


Active member
Yes I got it out Sat. after you had to leave, man does it RIP!!! We also got it out Mon. and got to put a lil more time on it, what a blast on the trails UP there, come UP on a big mud hole & just twist the throttle a lil & wheelie right thru at any speed. The gps said 84 mph and it's got more in it. Took it to my 1st climb with it this weekend and did pretty good for my 1st time climbin it, got two 3rd & a 5th with it, also got two 1st on my Harley. I'll shoot ya a p.m. in the next couple days.