Labor Day on the North Shore


Well-known member
Headed up to the cabin for the long weekend. What perfect weather! Sat around campfires both Saturday and Sunday nights.

On Sunday we headed down to the Beaver river in Beaver Bay to hike up it. Here's a shot of Claire standing on a rock.

My Dad came up on Sunday evening for the night. Here Trent and he are going for a ride on his toy.

Went down to Shovel Point on Monday. Here's a climber in the middle of the picture

Here's an arch on lake Superior

Trent wanted to go jumping from here into Lake Superior

Here's a cool tree loaded with berries

And just so you don't think it was all play and no work. I had hauled my 8N up there and we skidded out some trees. All of these birch were trees that were damaged during last springs ice storm. What a mess but great firewood.

It was another great weekend on the North Shore. Next adventure is camping this weekend and going to Haydays!


Well-known member
I climbed in that exact spot during college, didn't seem so high or dangerous then!