Lakewood Trail Condition


Well-known member
As most know It rained light but fairly steady on Monday. Only positive comment is that it should have added to the already thick ice base. Cold temps are coming and hopefully some snow as well.

The NST grade has stones(road gravel) mixed in north of Lakewood in Laona area so I imagine it isn't any better south of there either.
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Well-known member
I live in lakewood but am currently in the Sheboygan area.
My buddies wife's all do that, every year and they are bringing there sleds and riding.
Should be fine even with 4 inches of new snow.
Was up in Wabeno this weekend and hit various trails in different directions. Of course ran into a lot of traffic on Sat and was actually surprised though, because I figured now that there was snow south of there that there'd be less traffic up north. Guess I was wrong. Lots of washed out corners with ice. The good thing is there's a really nice base and grooming should be able to fix. Driving up and going home, the amount of trucks and trailers parked in Lakewood, Townsend and Mountain was unreal.


Well-known member
Reports from the drivers are all mentioning that grooming is taking longer as they are working to drag snow back into the bare corners.


Well-known member
Trails are all groomed up and are in good to very good condition. Getting towards the end. Spring conditions are right around a corner. Right now it's all good.


Well-known member
Monday AM dropped about 6" wet and packy in a couple hours as we drove south and it looked to be snowing lightly all day today (on radar). Should get us through the weekend warm up. Come on clouds!


Well-known member
Around town is getting bad. They still groomed what they could. The woods are till very good as well as the grade north of Townsend


Well-known member
Heading up tomarow to ride. will report if that needs to be done...or if trails are done. We ride north of Lakewood.


Well-known member
We didn't ride yet but on the way up there was a fairly long stretch of bare gravel north of Lakewood on the NST grade. Looked good through Townsend and north.
Unfortunately snowfall also looks to have fizzled out. Maybe an inch so far around Laona so far overnight and this AM.

Hopefully more fell south of here to cover any bare spots.
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