Landlords or lawyers wisconsin I have a qiuck question


New member
The days of removing doors for "repairs" are long over. It is sad that the "tenant" has more rights than the homeowner so you must seek out legal counsel and follow the law. One thing you may try if your squatter is still talking to you is to offer her a "reward" if she moves out ASAP, you pay her only after all of her possessions are out and she hands the keys over.... Yes it cost you some cash but it can be quicker than the legal system and lawyers... But is legal...
The days of removing doors for "repairs" are long over. It is sad that the "tenant" has more rights than the homeowner so you must seek out legal counsel and follow the law. One thing you may try if your squatter is still talking to you is to offer her a "reward" if she moves out ASAP, you pay her only after all of her possessions are out and she hands the keys over.... Yes it cost you some cash but it can be quicker than the legal system and lawyers... But is legal...
this way she has money for a deposit on her next place. if she does not move on her own it could be up to a year to get her out especially if she has kids


New member
Flatlander is right....rewards work better than punishments. Lessons but putting anyone in there for the sake of having the place occupied is perhaps more detrimental than if you left it empty.

No doubt the cash in hand has also not been reported to uncle sam, so she could perhaps continue to cause you grief even if she gets out.

Don't put a big sign out....that is a scortched earth policy you will can't do that. Having a dozen kids won't change the picture when you get in front of a judge and you haven't paid rent in awhile. Might buy a few days...certainly not weeks. If you don't pay, you can't stay.

Knock on the door and tell her that if she can get out by such and such a date, and she doesn't destroy the place on the way out, that you will hand her $500....cold hard cash...she just might very well do it. If not....go to court.


New member
problem solve i think LOL

I told her today she needs to be out may 1 peacefully or I'll take her to court for all te back rent she owes.She agreed.Then called me an A@$ then said I'm just out for myself.Let see I did the math she's been there for 3 1/2 years probably paid for maybe 14 months of it and i'd never really bothered her about money just pay me when she could. Told her 8 month ago to get out and still let her stay this long to find a place and she still saying i'm not giving her enough time to find a place.This is the funnest thing about the whole thing is her dad has an empty house that she can move into 10 miles away for free.

Deleted member 10829

Unreal, she calls you an A@$hole! LMAO. She's part of the 50% (or is that 99%;)) that are a part of our new entitlement society. Our country has become split into two factions, the doers and the takers. Let's hope we are catching on and reverse this cycle before it's too late. This is a prime example of a taker. How sad!!


playing by the rules is the best way to deal with this but it is a real shame you gotta pay to get her out. I have a friend in Illinois who has the same issue with a,,,,,, human being. She said she will not leave and will not pay. People like this do this exact thing intentionally to stay for free. I hate to admit it but there is a growing illegal solution to the problem that I do not advocate but I'll tell you what some have done. There is this one landlord that hires a few thugs from a few towns over that cases the renters place so they know when the freeloader is gone. The thugs come in broad daylight and clean the place out which is usually not much but none the less they empty it. They bust a plumbing line in the basement rendering the place inhabitable along with a few windows and prey the lock set. Renter comes home to damaged house calls police and owner comes over distraught. Owner cannot repair, renter cannot afford lawyer and just leaves never to be heard from again. In Illinois it costs $750 to file for eviction. Lock set $35, plumbing repair, DIY free, glass for window $30, thugs $200. It all goes bye bye and justice finds it's way. Renter could peruse the landlord but has no money and the little they do have they need it for brews and crack so fighting it has never been the case, they just walk. No contract, no renters insurance, no nothing, no mo prob.


as much as a person wants to take matters into their own hands and it's a real shame this is what a person has to deal with, your still better off to follow the rules. My friend has become a bitter kind of person and holy cow, don't ask him how the rental business is going unless you have a hr to kill and wanna see someone get all worked up.


Active member
Problem may not be solved. Guess what is going to happen May 1st? They are not going to leave. You had better start the legal eviction process or this will never end. My guess is you can start the eviction process now or wait and start it on May 1st.


I live in Racine County and this is Walworth County, but I had an ex-girlfriend I had to evict because she would not leave. She had nowhere to go so she just would not leave and by law you cant just put someone out on the street if they live there. Imagine the fun living with your ex that won't leave and it was not an amicable break-up! I did an eviction on my own without a lawyer. It was fairly simple. Fill out and submit paperwork to the court, pay filing fee and have her served. I don't think the court filing fee was much and you have to get someone official to serve the person, so it can be documented and they can't say they didn't know about the court date. We went to court and the judge gave her like 2 weeks to leave. If she would not have left in that time, then I could have called the police to have her removed.

I wouldn't assume because she agreed that she will actually leave. She may be just buying more time. I would start the eviction process.
Problem may not be solved. Guess what is going to happen May 1st? They are not going to leave. You had better start the legal eviction process or this will never end. My guess is you can start the eviction process now or wait and start it on May 1st.

The above post by "united" correct. Start the eviction process NOW. Waiting until May 1 will only put you behind another six weeks. In Michigan the tenant, regardless of lease/no lease, rental payments or the lack there of have more rights than the owner of the property. I don't know but I would assume from some of the posts in this thread that it is about the same in WI. It is time to throw compassion and inderstanding out the window and have your property making you money again. This woman has started a documented trail of adult irresponsibility and has showed either by her inability or unwillingness to pay rent that she deserves no respect or forewarning from you.

I am speaking from experiencel. Two rental units in MI and one in IL. These situations are never easy and can sometimes weigh heavy on the heart but unfortunately sometimes you have to watch out for number one.....that's you! Good Luck!



Problem may not be solved. Guess what is going to happen May 1st? They are not going to leave. You had better start the legal eviction process or this will never end. My guess is you can start the eviction process now or wait and start it on May 1st.

You are correct...come May 1st she will not me...been there with a couple of my former renters.

If you want her out?....start the process now because it take a little bit of time and effort on your part to go throught he proper channels....I eventually had to have the Sheriff come and escort one tennant out of "MY" rental.

They have more rights than the landlord here in WI...or so it seems. Also, if she lets you in, take pictures or video just in case she decides to trash the place the day she finally does leave.

I am still garnishing wages from a past "bad - no pay to stay" renter..... go after those Low Lifes....My 2 Cents!

Deleted member 10829

I agree, go after her with all you can. If everyone just turns a blind eye and let's these "people" get away this crap they will continue to do it. What does it say about a state's laws when the renter has more rights than the landlord?


New member
If she has no rental agreement maybe you just need to put her things out at the street. Your not evicting her she should have never been there. Juts say you never said she could move in. Time to be an A$$ h0l#.


New member
Not sure about Wisconsin, but in Michigan if you go after back rent it costs more in filing fees. Since you have not kept track of the rent she owes compared to the rent she paid, save yourself some time and just file to get her out. The very act of filing and receiving papers from the court often is enough for her to know that her game is up and she has to move, particularly if she has been at this point before. Once you receive the help of the courts, it will be much harder for her to stay. Waiting to file means you are somewhat complacent with her staying and is only going to hurt you when you eventually do get in front of the judge.

"How much rent does she owe you?"

"Ah, I am exactly sure."

"Give me a lease you have entered into."

"Ah, I don't have one...."

End result....judge tells tenant to move, but will be far more lenient than he would have had you had your ducks in a row.