playing by the rules is the best way to deal with this but it is a real shame you gotta pay to get her out. I have a friend in Illinois who has the same issue with a,,,,,, human being. She said she will not leave and will not pay. People like this do this exact thing intentionally to stay for free. I hate to admit it but there is a growing illegal solution to the problem that I do not advocate but I'll tell you what some have done. There is this one landlord that hires a few thugs from a few towns over that cases the renters place so they know when the freeloader is gone. The thugs come in broad daylight and clean the place out which is usually not much but none the less they empty it. They bust a plumbing line in the basement rendering the place inhabitable along with a few windows and prey the lock set. Renter comes home to damaged house calls police and owner comes over distraught. Owner cannot repair, renter cannot afford lawyer and just leaves never to be heard from again. In Illinois it costs $750 to file for eviction. Lock set $35, plumbing repair, DIY free, glass for window $30, thugs $200. It all goes bye bye and justice finds it's way. Renter could peruse the landlord but has no money and the little they do have they need it for brews and crack so fighting it has never been the case, they just walk. No contract, no renters insurance, no nothing, no mo prob.