Leaf Guard or Leaf Filter?


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We're going to be adding one of these products this summer, just haven't decide which one yet. The Leaf Guard requires all new gutters, they're larger to accommodate the topper and the Leaf Filter attaches to the existing gutters. One of our neighbors added the Leaf Guards last year and swears by them, the warranty stays with the house and they'll clean them for free if they ever clog. At least that's what he told me....Obviously we're cost conscious but I don't want to put anything up there that isn't going to work. I've tried the DIY stuff on the market and like everything else, you get what you pay for.
Cutting down all the trees is not an option either as too many squirrels and one wife would be really upset if I did that.

So, if you've had experience with either of these products, I'd be glad to hear your thoughts, thanks!


Well-known member
Have leaf guard give you 4 references in your town that you can go to their homes and talk to about their results.


New member
We're going to be adding one of these products this summer, just haven't decide which one yet. The Leaf Guard requires all new gutters, they're larger to accommodate the topper and the Leaf Filter attaches to the existing gutters. One of our neighbors added the Leaf Guards last year and swears by them, the warranty stays with the house and they'll clean them for free if they ever clog. At least that's what he told me....Obviously we're cost conscious but I don't want to put anything up there that isn't going to work. I've tried the DIY stuff on the market and like everything else, you get what you pay for.
Cutting down all the trees is not an option either as too many squirrels and one wife would be really upset if I did that.

So, if you've had experience with either of these products, I'd be glad to hear your thoughts, thanks!

dude at 26$ a foot you could pay SB to come and clean them for 10 years and still be ahead..just get leaf anything caps

Banjo Man

New member
Had Valor Gutter Guards installed 2 years ago and extremely happy. I have those little helicopter like leaves all over my roof and they roll right off the gutters. Had a problem with the installer and they had to come back to make it right but the product itself is great. Price was very competitive also.


last summer found the menards gutter filters on sale for .99 with a .99 store rebate so they actually were free,easy to install and works great.


going add one more question to this topic...........I have a similar style to the menards already installed (last fall) mine only has holes about 1/8" in diameter. no problems with leaves or other things in the spring/summer/fall, but this winter I had problems on the north side of my house with ice forming on top of the "gutter cap" and then the gutters could not do their job when the snow was melting. Any one have this problem?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Good point, Scott. There's a brand out there that has the fine steel mesh/screen. I'm thinking that's fine in the warmer climates but where it snows and freezes that could be a problem in creating Ice Dams. By solving one problem you create another.


Good point, Scott. There's a brand out there that has the fine steel mesh/screen. I'm thinking that's fine in the warmer climates but where it snows and freezes that could be a problem in creating Ice Dams. By solving one problem you create another.

Damn good point to add - I forgot about that potential issue. I can see that happening for sure with a stuck few pine needles and water flowing OVER the top.
I was ready to do the Menards, but I'm rethinking this.


Well-known member
In the midwest climate, I doubt you'll find an answer to the perfect system whether you spend a fortune or $150.00.


Well-known member
In the midwest climate, I doubt you'll find an answer to the perfect system whether you spend a fortune or $150.00.

My home is 15 years old and still sheds asphalt crumbs to beat heck and we have many enormous Pine trees that combine together to negate any benefit of these systems for me, sad but true; gotta clean the gutters each November.



My home is 15 years old and still sheds asphalt crumbs to beat heck and we have many enormous Pine trees that combine together to negate any benefit of these systems for me, sad but true; gotta clean the gutters each November.


Think I'm going to stick with that plan, rather than waste time and $$ on systems with questionable benefit. Clean 2x a year.