Let's All Band Together......


Well-known member
Maybe if we all band together and nicely ask John to change his forecast to cooler weather this HOT crap will go away. I for one am sick of this heat, and I'm ready for some cooler temps. So lets all get together and ask John for some cooler temps.

John, would you please make this heat go away for the rest of the summer? If you can make this happen soon, I would be inclined to buy you the drink of your choice at LLB in October.

Thank you in advance! :)

Team Elkhorn

Most people complain about the weather but never do anything about it. A man of action, I like it. :)


Well-known member
The last two seasons were horrible. We can't have three in a row so I'm not going to worry about it. 350 inches this season and a run for the record. =)


Well-known member
I'am in for a 12 pk of John's favorite flavor, just please make it stop! Can't take this humidity anymore.
Even out on the boat yesterday it was bad and with the water temps around 82 that didn't even help.:mad:


Well-known member
its Aug....let it be hot......look for snow in Jan not aug...if its HAS to be summer be summer.......

it can be summer, just not 90 degrees! how about 75 degrees, no humidity, sunny all day? just once? This has gotta be one of the hotter summers in the past few years...


Well-known member
What's wearing me down this summer is the humidity. We're right around average when it comes to 90 degree days so I can't blame the temps.

In past summers I've been able to sit out on the deck many a late evening and enjoy a warm breeze and a cold brew. Not so this July. It's been just plain unpleasant. All the windows were completely covered with condensation again this morning - crazy.

The good news is that around the 15th of August you can usually feel the humidity going out of the air. It's still warm but the stickyness is gone. Hopefully that will be the case again this year.


Active member
snocrazy - problem is...there's a lot of women wearing little clothing that I truly do not want to see!?! :eek:

I agree...it can be hot cuz it's summer and all...but truly? Can we just get a day off from it? Feels like where I grew up around STL and I moved away from there because I couldn't take the heat.

I "had" to buy a window unit for my UP house. (I know, boo hoo, right?) but the house was sweating and my fridge wasn't cooling right - and I wasn't cooling right either! We went swimming in Lake Superior every day for 11 days. THAT was nice but really? We were SWIMMING - not just jumping in or playing with our legs in the water!

Just want a break for at least a week so I can catch my breath again! Sheesh!!


Active member
snocrazy - problem is...there's a lot of women wearing little clothing that I truly do not want to see!?! :eek:

I agree...it can be hot cuz it's summer and all...but truly? Can we just get a day off from it? Feels like where I grew up around STL and I moved away from there because I couldn't take the heat.

I "had" to buy a window unit for my UP house. (I know, boo hoo, right?) but the house was sweating and my fridge wasn't cooling right - and I wasn't cooling right either! We went swimming in Lake Superior every day for 11 days. THAT was nice but really? We were SWIMMING - not just jumping in or playing with our legs in the water!

Just want a break for at least a week so I can catch my breath again! Sheesh!!

I have to agree with youon the not wanting to see all nature has to offer. It was one of the first things to pop in to my head when I thought of hot summer days.


New member
snocrazy !!!!!!!

call the wahmbulance... ;)

Jump in a lake or pool :)

Women wearing little clothing.... mmmmm summer.

sno, Like your positive outlook,,,,(ha, ha ,ha)..Puts a smile on an old dogs face and reminds me "When I was younger fellas why I could.............."..But seriousely J/D drop the HUMIDITY and the heat is bearable...MEATHEAD


Active member
What heat?!?!?!?
Brrrrrr 68 and blowing hard. White caps on the 80 acre lake I am on.

Time to split some wood while it is cool. :)