Liquid manure spill


New member
50k gals in a 2.5 hr. peroid would mean 333 gals per minute through a thumb sized hole?sounds like someones lying to promote an epa agenda.


Well-known member
The last sentence says it all. The spill was 50,000 gallons, but it could have been 100,000. Well, it also could have been 5,000. This is a bad situation, no argument from me there. But, it always seems that there is someone out there to try and make these big farms the enemy. I am quite sure that none of them set out to contaminate a stream, or any other bad thing. They are trying to make a living and provide some others a job. These are not bad people running these farms. It's just unfortunate that bad things happen from time to time.
The last sentence says it all. The spill was 50,000 gallons, but it could have been 100,000. Well, it also could have been 5,000. This is a bad situation, no argument from me there. But, it always seems that there is someone out there to try and make these big farms the enemy. I am quite sure that none of them set out to contaminate a stream, or any other bad thing. They are trying to make a living and provide some others a job. These are not bad people running these farms. It's just unfortunate that bad things happen from time to time.

If this happened in any other industry besides farming, the company would be shut down indefinitely. I have been involved in farming in my past and support farmers 100%, but the liquid manure issue is becoming a hot topic. Ever drive by a mega-farm when they are hauling manure? I know people in Calumet County that had liquid manure running out of their water taps due to ground water pollution by a neighboring farm. Mega-farms belong in low populated areas of the country... the same holds true with wind generation farms.



Well-known member
There are probably 20 farms of 1000 milk cows or more within 20 miles of me. All of them started as family farms, and grew with hopes of providing an income for their families in the future. None of them are perfect, but there have not been any major problems that I know of. I feel for anyone one that has been effected by a manure spill or contaminated well. It has been my experience here in my area that most of the complaining about farms come from people that moved to the country from town.


New member
Not to downplay this spill,but it's funny how the DNR turns a blind eye to the Milwaukee sewer district that routinely spills raw sewage into lake Michigan all summer. This spill is nothing compared to the BILLIONS of gallons they dump routinely........
I read the article -- this manure spill was not the fault of the farm or a failure of any systems on the farm. A pumping hose belonging to a manure pumping company failed. So it's not fair to condemn all large farms using this accident as an example. Bad things do happen. People die in car crashes - should we ban cars and roads? I'm sure both the farm and pumping company are heavily regulated. They self-reported the spill. What more can you ask of them?


New member
I read the article -- this manure spill was not the fault of the farm or a failure of any systems on the farm. A pumping hose belonging to a manure pumping company failed. So it's not fair to condemn all large farms using this accident as an example. Bad things do happen. People die in car crashes - should we ban cars and roads? I'm sure both the farm and pumping company are heavily regulated. They self-reported the spill. What more can you ask of them?

Very true. A lot of those hoses laid out over the winter due to the early freeze last fall and i'm sure that was hard on them being partially full/frozen all last winter. More failures could be possible......


New member
I think I read somewhere that every time there is a rainfall of 2" or more, the city of Saginaw MI has millions of gallons of untreated sewage flow into the bay, yet they seem ok with allowing that go on...

Pizza Man

New member
We drove by the farm on saturday on the way to Beaver Dam.
Didn't look like anyone was doing any more cleanup.
All their hoses in the ditch's were gone.


Well-known member

not to downplay this spill,but it's funny how the dnr turns a blind eye to the milwaukee sewer district that routinely spills raw sewage into lake michigan all summer. This spill is nothing compared to the billions of gallons they dump routinely........

- - - Updated - - -

Couldn't disagree more.
How many days was BP shut down when they dumped 10 trillion gallons of oil in the gulf?
How many days is any oil co. shut down when they have a spill?

If this happened in any other industry besides farming, the company would be shut down indefinitely. I have been involved in farming in my past and support farmers 100%, but the liquid manure issue is becoming a hot topic. Ever drive by a mega-farm when they are hauling manure? I know people in Calumet County that had liquid manure running out of their water taps due to ground water pollution by a neighboring farm. Mega-farms belong in low populated areas of the country... the same holds true with wind generation farms.

It would be nearly impossible for many reasons to completely shut down an entire oil company, but oil production from the Gulf oil rigs was suspended until cause of the oil spill was determined and valves were replaced.

The WI DNR has been buying up northern Door County farms for years due to liquid manure entering the water table. North of the bridge in Sturgeon Bay, there are only 12 active dairy farms left. The house I owned in rural Sturgeon Bay had a 300' well with 150' casing to help keep the crap out of the potable water.

Don't turn a blind eye to this issue. Ever wonder why Lake Winnebago gets the big green algae bloom each spring? Manure and farm field fertilizer runoff help the algae bloom explode. I was born and raised on the east shore of Lake Winnebago, the DNR use to shut down dairy farms that leaked manure into the lake. I know a few family farms near Brothertown that had to cease operations because they could not abide by clean water requirements set by the state.

Don't even get me going on Milwaukee raw sewage dumps. I saw the results first hand while fishing Lake Michigan, yuk! I thought the deep tunnel project was suppose to help eliminate sewage dumps.



New member
yep, every time it rains they use it as an excuse to dump millions of gallons of untreated waste.nobody bats an eye about it anymore.


New member
It is comical how the DNR touts banning phosphorus in residential fertilizers and stormwater detention ponds improve water quality. If they really wanted to end the algae blooms on Winnebago and the Fox, they need to address the nitrogen that farmers put on their fields in the watershed every spring. The blooms appear like clockwork, see farmers fertilizing, get rain, 7days later..... algae.