Locals here calling for "mixed precip" but no mention from you?


Active member
I don't know how when the high temp is forecasted to be 21 that there can be talk of "mixed precip" for the storm tomorrow?? However you make no mention of it in your forecast. Is that just because you don't want to be that specific or are you not seeing that chance? Just been through this before when we are supposed to get a bunch of white gold it ends up changing over to rain and then get little or nothing. Extreme SE MN. I am encouraged by your forecast and just thought I would ask. Thanks!!


Staff member
There could certainly be some mixed precip in SE MN with this system. I did not mention it in the text because of time constraints. The amount of mixed precip will determine the total amount of snow, but at this point it is indicated to be for just a few hour window Friday night.


Well-known member
here too, one minute mixed precip, next rain, this morning supposed to be all snow, certainly not hyping it up like did other one, going to be another wait and see in our corner of the state, but fingers crossed!


Active member
Thanks John. Looking forward to your forecast tomorrow. We are in an advisory and every county around us is in the warning. Funny how that works for me....


Were headed to Coon Valley (Lacrosse area) this afternoon/evening. Hoping to do the Packers Pep Rally at 3:30pm before hitting the road. I'll be watching radar closely.