Looking for vacation ideas in Wisconsin and UP


Well-known member
The single best reference for travel in da UP: Hunt's Guide to Michigan's UPPER PENINSULA.

You'll learn far more there than we can tell ya.
Example: just click on the Waterfalls link on the left side of the home page. There are so many (well over 200 — some say 325+ in the UP), and they generally aren't heavily "promoted", so a lot of them are hard to find without such a reference, and many are hard to reach even with that info!

Thanks for posting this link back when I was looking for ideas a few months ago. I'm heading up next week and have been using this guide to plan my trip. We're gonna pick up a paper copy and a map when we get up there. They have it at the Ottawa Visitor's Center in Watersmeet, Finlandia's North Wind Books in Hancock and in Houghton Book World.


The single best reference for travel in da UP: Hunt's Guide to Michigan's UPPER PENINSULA.

You'll learn far more there than we can tell ya.
Example: just click on the Waterfalls link on the left side of the home page. There are so many (well over 200 — some say 325+ in the UP), and they generally aren't heavily "promoted", so a lot of them are hard to find without such a reference, and many are hard to reach even with that info!

Great website!! Very helpful. Thanks frnash!!
Yes! Visit the Paulding Light but don't be inclined to make snap judgements by things others post on the "interweb" like the above website. It's a great time on a clear, quiet evening in the U.P.

Also X2 on The Mystery Spot just West of St. Ignace on US2.

Don't forget deYoung Family Zoo. You might recognize the name from a Nat Geo series named "My Life is a Zoo". Located in Wallace MI just south of Escanaba about an hour. WEBSITE:

Tahquamenon Falls State Park ALSO: http://www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails/Details.aspx?type=SPRK&id=428

DON'T FORGET: http://www.soolocks.com/index.phtml

Presque Isle Park in Marquette is awesome. Viewing of Albino deer in the park and right next to the breakwater on the "Lake":

Another cool place if you're near Marquette is:
BTW during the winter this is right on the trail and the guy usually has a bonfire going that you can stop and warm up at while walking the grounds.

Can't forget the Porkies and Lake of the Clouds;

Just a few, hope it helps.

And some of my faves in WI.......

And FYI, I have been to all the places I have recommended on here.

Pioneer of "our sport": http://www.eliason-snowmobile.com/

Name of website says it all: http://www.snowmobilehalloffame.com/

Super cool animal park: http://www.wildwoodwildlifepark.com/

Cool present day look into the yesteryear of the Northwoods logging and forestry history: http://scheerslumberjackshow.com/

and a couple more in the yoop for you:


Seney National Wildlife Refuge: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/seney/

Again, hope this helps!



New member
The Dells but skip the dells. You got teens in tow. Their job is to make like suck, but only to you. Been there, done that. 2 weeks is a long time. Make sure they have cell signal.
The Dells but skip the dells. You got teens in tow. Their job is to make like suck, but only to you. Been there, done that. 2 weeks is a long time. Make sure they have cell signal.

Yeah, you covered the "teen beat" on your last post. I'm sure the OP is aware of the tendencies of HIS teenage counterparts. As usual, you're being super helpful.




If you want to go white water rafting this time of the year your best trip would be on the Kosir's raft trips through Piers Gorge on the Menominee River by Norway MI. www.kosirs.com


Well-known member
Hey don't miss Phelps ghost town on the way to UPMI still has a barbershop everything else is GONE!! lol:) Hardware store went down the tubes this spring & grocery store now sells used junk....... groceries long gone & you would have to be crazy to buy anything there anyway. Grocery stock dates back to before date coding.lol If you have a boat or sled plenty to do otherwise skip it.lol


Thanks for all the ideas!! It looks like we have our vacation planned with things I would not have found without all the help. Heading out later this week. Can't wait!!!