Lotsa posts recently...eh?


Well-known member
every 5 minutes i come on here there's at least new posts in 3 categories. I don't know if everybody does the same thing i do but i know what categores (techtalk, misc, off topic, etc.) i've looked at if it's red or blue. and recently there's been a lotta activity. any one else notice it?


New member
id agree
september is here, its gettin cool, people are getting the itch, what better place to be, people having the same withdrawls as you!!!!


New member
I noticed it too.. of corse thanks to you there were at least 3 post in 3 minutes..man those kids sure can type fast these days.


Very good Indy, awesome. BUT, yea, I'm going to pick on you here a bit, if you don't capitalize the letters that are suppose to be capitalized, what good is 80 words per minute? Don't take that the wrong way, my daughter is a freshman in high school, and I like to umm, critique, her grammar. I notice a lot of younger people don't capitalize anymore, I believe it is due to texting? But, you do seem to do a lot better job then some of the younger kids on other websites that I visit.


New member
Skylar said,"But, you do seem to do a lot better job then some of the younger kids on other websites that I visit."

Skylar, that is just wrong!

Sorry, been a bad day, had to pick on somebody.