Love the new layout!

I've been with you since almost the very beginning. I can't remember how I first stumbled upon your site, but it has been my Monday morning ritual ever since to read your journal first thing (along with the news sites) before I get started with the days business. I'm sure there are many like me. To see the evolution of the site throughout the years, from the humble beginnings to where it is now with thousands of followers has been amazing. Congratulations, it looks great, and I particularly like the new journal format. I don't post or comment much, so I'll go back to lurking in the shadows. Cheers!


Staff member

It could have gone smoother, but it also could have been much worse! It looks like everyone can get to everywhere now.

Some other features of the site (mostly web cams) also need some tweaking done so that they will work properly, but all will be fixed in time.

Thanks for putting up with the issues during the change over and compliments on the new look. More fun things to come!
