Maasto Hiihto Ski Trail Avoidance


New member
Reports have come in of a snowmobiler tearing up the Swedetown Gorge section of the Maasto Hiihto cross country ski trail in Hancock. This is a cross country ski trail maintained by volunteers (from close to 300 club members) and the City of Hancock. Please pass the word that riding groomed ski trails is not in the best interest of snowmobilers for safety, image or when negotiating trail easements with private landowners. Please help police such bootleggers for the best interests of all.

Also, Hancock riders be alert that one of the ski trail crossings of the main snowmobile trail has moved to where the snowmobile trail crosses Hodges Road (the private drive/road just west of the hospital in Hancock-just north of the hay bale barrier). There is already a Stop sign there on the snowmobile trail so this may make for a safer crossing for all, but be aware of the change.