Was up at our friends place. They have a pretty big operation. thursday we collected about 1200 gallons of sap and friday we got about 1900 gallons. Plus whatever the parents and brother collected. talk about alot of work. As of last weekend they had about 350 gallons of finished syrup fun to help out and watch them cook it.
What a contraption! Can someone tell me what the process is?I was over at rp7x's today watching him make maple syrup. Pretty neat how it works, I've never seen it being made before.
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I read the ingredients on the back of my syrup bottle. It doesn't even have maple syrup in it!! WTH????? Lol!
You didn't know that? Mass producers don't use real maple syrup can't do it would cost too much + produce product 365 days a year not just Spring. Real Maple Syrup comes from the little guys in Spring very limited run time.
I knew it wasn't "real". I just figured they at least put a little "base stock" in it. Nothing but a long list of chemicals that I'm pretty sure are not food!! Lol!
I knew it wasn't "real". I just figured they at least put a little "base stock" in it. Nothing but a long list of chemicals that I'm pretty sure are not food!! Lol!