Member status


New member
Hey John, first, thanks for an awesome website. I was wondering, at what point does a members status change. Number of posts or time past since first post. Just curious.

Thanks, Jim


Under my previous username I had like 750 posts and it changed to something like "member with to much free time". I noticed the more I posted the change in my profile would occur. It seems to me that it is directly related to the number of posts, but I'm sure JD can clarify.

Over & Out
M8man used to be Gman


It is based on how many posts a profile has associated with it.

You are a New Member up to 20 posts and then become a Junior Member after 20 and up to 50, then become a Member until 200 posts and then become an Advanced Member until 400 posts at which point you are promoted to being a "Member with too much free time". After 800 posts, you are a "Member who spends too much time on this board".



New member
Hey Johm-\
I see that your planning on staining your cabin this summer, I would recommend TWP 501, its eas to work with and it wont chip or peel. I have been using it for 13 years in Michigan and it stands the test of time well.


New member
Hmmm...looks like I need 91 more, oh, counting this one that would be 90.
Thanks John. Hopefully someday I can get to the U.P. of the U.P.

Jim C.


Well-known member
WooHoo, 8 more posts for a promotion! Do I get a pay raise with that?! How about fries?!LOL


Well-known member
Well I made it past the 400 mark! Though considering that it's taken me 2 years & 5 months to get this far, I don't think I have "too much free time"! LOL, sure hope the wife doesn't see that!LOL
Hey,,,wheres my fries?!?