Merry Christmas!


Active member
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and HAPPY NEW YEAR happier if we get some snow, right? Here's to everyones wish of snow to come true.


Active member
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all enjoy the day spending time with your family and loved ones whether in person or through some form of communication that we have nowadays. I also pray that we all reflect, rejoice, understand and give thanks for the gift we have been given through the birth of Christ!


Well-known member
Ah, there's a little Clark Griswold in all of us.

So true....looks like another year of Jelly of the Month for me.

P.S. Please post your photos of your white Christmas for those of us who can't even see the possibility of snow in the forecast.

First track on the lake. 2000 XCSP 500. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
