Merry Christmas


Staff member
Merry Christmas!

Feliz Navidad

buon Natale

joyeux Noel

frohe weihnachten

god jul

hyvaa joulua

vrolijk kerstfeest

С Рождеством



عيد ميلاد سعيد

I think that about covers it!

Blessings to All!


Well-known member
Merry Christmas to everyone!! looks like the northwoods got something for christmas! let it snow!! Merry Christmas!!!


Active member
Another year has come and gone
with today a Christmas cheer
with many friends and loved ones
we hold in our thoughts so dear

Of all the people that we know
and some that have come and gone
with all that are close to us today
and for all that we will love for ever long

The Christmas spirit is in us all
Can’t you feel it in your heart?
we all want to grasp that great feeling
and make it a yearlong thought

These days like others will come and go
as sure as the setting sun
but try to hold on to today’s happiness
For all the days yet to come

With best wishes for a merry Christmas
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