Michigan snowmobile advisory committee


Well-known member
Did you see her interview with the guy that owns all the casinos she had no clue about creating jobs. She was excited about creating 40,000 in 11 years for the green people. How do people vote for her when she wrecks everything.


New member
It was more than detroit that voted her in. Heck no one lives in that city anymore.

Steve Wynn took her to the cleaners on how to make and create jobs. She is a lawyer and has no clue on how to make a business run.


I saw this over on TY

Governor Granholm Abolishes Snowmobile Advisory Committee!!
LANSING – Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today issued Executive Order 2009-45, creating a new Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) to protect and conserve Michigan's air, water and other natural resources. The new department will assume the powers and functions of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), which are abolished by the executive order. From now until January 17, 2010, a transition manager will coordinate the transfer of functions to the new state department. The governor today named Bruce Rasher as the transition manager.
Lt. Governor John D. Cherry, Jr., at the governor's request, is leading a broad review of state government that could eventually result in the number of state departments being reduced to eight.
Several boards, councils or committees are abolished by the executive order. The Michigan Trailways Advisory Council and the Michigan Snowmobile Advisory Committee also are abolished.

Their functions are being transferred to a new seven-member Michigan Trails Advisory Council within the DNRE that will advise the Governor and the DNRE director on creating, developing, operating and maintaining motorized and non-motorized trails in Michigan, and appears at least initially to have only “1” member on the council representing snowmobile interests!

How many battles have we had over the years with non-motorized interest groups who want to abolish snowmobiling?? The Governor intends to grant authority and jurisdiction over our sport to these proven enemies of snowmobiling. The MSA was shocked by the announcement. President Don Reed condemned the action. “Snowmobile grant sponsors relied on the SAC committee and MSA to work with the administration to move our program forward and work through the issues that would arise from time to time” Reed said, “With that core group of stakeholders gone and new groups that have been adversarial with MSA in the past now setting snowmobile guidelines and recommendations, I am very concerned about the direction of future state policy.” “When snowmobilers pay 100% of the cost of snowmobile trails, and contribute well over a billion dollars a year to Michigan’s ailing economy, why mess with one of the brightest spots in Michigan tourism? Our program is a national model and a proven winner and it doesn’t cost the state a penny”.

We urge all snowmobilers to unite and call the Governor, Lt Governor and legislative leaders and tell them that THIS IS A VERY BAD MOVE. Snowmobiling is too important to be left in the hands of a Michigan Trails Advisory Council controlled by non-snowmobilers!
Governor Granholm 517-373-3400 Lt Governor Cherry 517-373-6800
Legislators who have supported MSA and the Snowmobile Advisory Committee.
Senator Mike Bishop 517-373-2417 Representative Andy Dillon 517-373-0857
Senator Michelle Mc Manus 517-373-1725 Representative Mike Lahti 517-373-0850
Senator Jason Allen 517-373-2413 Representative Gary McDowell 517-373-2629
Senator Mike Prusi 517-373-7840 Representative Darwin Booher 517-373-1747
Senator Tony Stamas 517-373-7946 Representative Kevin Elsenheimer 517-373-0829
Senator James Barcia 517-373-1777 Representative Steve Lindberg 517-3730498
Senator Patricia Birkholz 269-857-2757 Representative Tim Moore 517-373-8962
Senator John Gleason 517-373-0142 Representative Wayne Schmidt 517-373-1766
Senator Gerald Van Woerkom 517-373-1635 Representative Joel Sheltrown 517-373-3817
Senator Bruce Patterson 517-373-7350 Representative Jim Stamas 517-373-1791
Rep Kathy Angerer 517-373-1792

Latest on the Executive Order.
Sen. Wayne KUIPERS (R-Holland) today introduced a resolution to reject the Governor's executive order that combined the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
The Legislature has until Dec. 7 to reject the Governor's executive order. If approved by the Senate, the resolution would head to the House for consideration. To formally reject the order, the House must also approve the resolution.
So lets get those calls going to our legislators and ask that the Executive Order 2009-45 be rejected.
The Directors of the departments (DNR & Agriculture) are too important to become a political appointment.”
Reinstate the Snowmobile Advisory Committee also
Bill Manson
Executive Director
Michigan Snowmobile Association


New member
Saw the interview with Steve Wynn. She is truly an idiot. I love the new language that she and her new friends in Washington use when talking about jobs: "with our plan we saved or created X amount of jobs".

People, please make at least one phone call regarding this. We have to be involved. I have made more phone calls and sent more letters in the past 3 months than ever in my life. Every call and letter helps. We do have a voice.I'm looking up Valde Garcia's number right now.


New member
so i take from this that they want control over money from trail permits?If so this is very bad.
I know where to start VOTE THEM OUT!!!