Minnesota wildfire


New member
Last night i thought the neighbors were burning something in back of my place. I looked west out towards the street light it was wipping up the hill and the whole neighborhood was smokey. Reminded me of how the snow wips uphill off the lake.


New member
smells like the campfire at our fly in fishing trips in ontario.lungs hurt from breathing smoke all day though.waukesha and jefferson county wisconsin.


Well-known member
I'm sure our place up there will be fine. If it continues south they will actively fight it, if it heads east and stays in the BWCA they will let it burn for the most part. They said on the Duluth news tonight that it may burn until snow flies. They are worried that it is getting close to some of the areas that suffered through the big blow down of 1999. If it gets into that area, it's game over. Funny thing is here in Duluth we don't have any smoke or smell from it.


I was at work yesterday in sullivan wi and looked out into the distance and couldent see much from all the hazze.. I could smell it and then heard on the radio it was a fire up in minnesnowta.. CRAZYYY.