Mohawk webcam?

Just talked with the owner. They currently don't have one set-up, but she's looking into it and will be in contact with Mr. Dee soon to get help with setting it up again.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
So John, if you're out there, sounds like your assistance will be needed for a little NCN hook up at the White House Motel.


Staff member
I can stop in there sometime soon and lend a hand. Would like to meet the new owners.



New member
They are very nice people. Met them this fall when I took the family up for a color tour. They have led a very interesting life and have a lot of interesting stories. Their last home was Portugal so they are looking forward to their first Keweenaw winter. John I think you would get a kick out of their story on how they ended up in Mohawk, given your story of ending up in the UP. They have done a nice job keeping the Whitehouse a nice clean great value place to stay as it was in the past.