Mom's Motorsports


New member
YES YES YES. I went last year. Want to go this year but with the wife due with our second baby not sure if it will work. I will however be back on board that bus. The guys are great, and really want you to have fun you also have to remember, you have a person to show you around the area that has great knowledge of where to go where to stay out of and where the freshness is. If you don't like their style jacob will gladly mark up a map and tell you were to go. I would highly recomend them and can't wait to go back.

As for the ride out it is long. But not as long as if you had to drive it yourself, when you are tired sleep when you are hungry eat and when you are thirsty drink.

Have fun. We Did


New member
one other thing. Jacob mom is jmom800x on this forum and dootalk. Watch his posts check out his videos with Rob, they keep me from going crazy here in flatlandville. I love watching Rob's flatlander updates. I always lookforward to an update and check for them every morning with my coffee


New member
Other John Dee Members that have rode out with us, feel free to pm them or me. If you have any questions feel free to ask here.
winterrules03, wintertime, polarisrider1, zrtoo1, skeedoo, wisdoo, revkev, and many more.


New member
You definitely need to go. My old man turned 60 last year and that is what he wanted for his birthday was a trip out west. It started as just him and I going out and soon enough, we had a group of 11 going out with Mom's. 8 of us rode in the truck and 3 of the guys drove out. We ABSOLUTELY LOVED it!!! We got home and signed up again with 12 of us going this year to Ten Mile.

First, Mrs Mom and Jacob's better half are incredible cooks. Breakfast and dinner every day and let me tell you, I was never hungry. Just great food. Rick and Jacob took great care of us out there since it was our first trip out west. We rode with them a few days to get the hang of it and then they gave us some ideas on areas we could hit on our own. For the most part, we stayed out of trouble on our own, just one little incident where we thought we may spend the night on the side of the mountain. Thanks again guys for coming out and getting us... You'll find that the guys on these trips are true diehard snowmobilers and will go WAY out of their way to help a fellow snowmobiler.

Just go!! If you like boondocking, you will love it. Plan to get stuck though, if you don't, you are not trying hard enough.



New member
I go on 4 trips a year with Mom,s Motorsports, and would highly recommend it, it is a great way to economically head West, and leave the driving to someone else, you kick back and watch dvd's or sleep. All the lodges, have excellent accommodations, and Meals are awesome.


New member
I have been on about 6 trips with Mom's. Maybe more. Sometimes they haul my sled and I fly, sometimes I ride in the truck and just kick back and sleep, sometimes they haul my sled out and I drive. It is a good deal. Jacob, Paula and Rick Mom are great People, they treat you like family. I could not do the amount of west riding trips I do if it wasn't for them. Note: this is not an advertisement. I just want to share this with my fellow Jdeer's to advance the sport.


New member
Our group has been on the Ricky Bobby aka "Mom's" a few times. It is basically what got us going out west in the first place. They will definitely take care of you and the trips are very affordable. If we didn't get hooked from going out with them and drop tons of money on newer trucks, trailers etc we would definitely ride again.


New member
is the price the same if you have to drive and they haul your sled and other stuff?

You get 150 dollars off the per person package price if we haul your sled, all your gear, and tools too. You just meet us at the lodge.
Let me know if you have any other questions.


i expect that the anyone that goes with Mom's should have their Avalanche training and all the tools that go with riding out there, correct? wonder how well my x-fire would do out there. Would this be good for newb's?


New member

Moms is a great way to go, Went to cooke city earlier this month. We picked up 3 guys in Rapid River MN I believe. If you haven't been out West yet, this would make a great 1st experience for you. I forgot my beacon and a few other things, rented one from Jacob. If you haven't had a class yet, there are lots video's online to get you started. They will take care of you, everyone helps each other out, like we had been riding together for years.

your crossfire will do fine, remove the swaybar, get a set of 68 gram weights and 36deg helix. if you have the cash get a track too. I have an 09 141 with 2.25 powerclaw does pretty good, buddy has 136x2" challenger works good but the longer tracks help when learning to ride in the powder.
Contact Jacob I think they had openings for pickups in MN for 2012


New member
How was the ride in the camper part of the rig? Similar to flying?
I am in here as I type, going down the road. Just had breakfast in Fargo. We are watching "Ground hog day" on the flat screen with surrond sound. The airplane doesnt have that. I slept flat in the upper bunk for 9 hours. Planes don't have that either. Also no delayed flights and catching a transfer. This year Moms added new seating, refrigerator and bathroom upgrades. Smooth enough ride to type all this.


Well-known member
Is Mom's pricing the same for all of the Western destinations? We got back last week from driving out to the snowies, which made me want to look into letting someone else do the driving next time. We went to the snowies because it was closer, but wouldn't mind a few more hours of drive-time if someone else was doing the driving.


New member
I did it last year with these guys too. Awesome group of guys to go with. Seemed to be a long hike in the big rig but you can sit back, drink beer, watch movies, and sleep while someone else is doing the driving. You may come back 10 lbs heavier from all the great food they cook up for ya. Seems like the pricing was pretty much the same, might want to check out there website or email Jacob for more details. Have fun out there this weeks guys. I'll be getting there on Friday and would appreicate and updates/pics on conditions.


I have traveled West on my own in the past. The pricing with Mom's is excellent. We are planning our first trip with Mom's in a couple of weeks and have been talking about utilizing them for a long time. This year a couple of us Flatlanders bought mountain sleds, renting can get pricey, and if we are going to go West yearly might as well have our own sleds.


New member
Just go for it...I am...couldn't get my buddies on the same page to do a trip then I heard about Momsmotorsports and now I'm going on the island park mid march trip solo... everything Ive heard about them has been nothing but great and to be honest probly my best move being that I've never ridden mountains before and these guys got a lot of experience out there
I priced out 4 of us from mpls to snowies...gas food lodging and could barely do it cheaper now factor in you don't have to drive or cook you really can't beat it just wish I could have gotten one of my buddies to come with but oh well
Anyone from here goin on the march 18th trip?
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New member
MOMS took me to Cooke in January. Everyone had a great time even with the low snow at the time. We broke up into managable groups, make sure you bring a radio, makes it a lot easier to find each other. It was like riding with long time
friends hope to do it again next year. With Rick, Kevin and Jacob driving, it was a pretty relaxing trip. I highly recommend Traveling with MOMS:)
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