Well I am sure that I will get some comments for what I am about to say but what the hay...
I think all the whining and belly aching and bad attitides I continually see are just excuses...excuses to throw nasty attitudes and negative feelings around. The economy...an excuse. I understand that the economy is bad...I have lost 3 jobs in the past 6 years due to this crappy economy but I continue to push FORWARD, not look back. Does it suck, YES! Is there anything that I can do about it...NO. Deal with it! I just lost my job Wednesday...was I upset, off course. Am I going to whine and complain that it isn't fair...NO! Things happen and I am a firm believer that they happen for a reason. I certainly didn't want my company to close my office...but it happened and now I need to move forward. On top of all of that, I have four kids, three dogs and an endless line of bills. Still not gonna complain...my kids are happy and healthy (we may not have as much as everyone else but we certainly have each other), my dogs are happy and healthy...I am not sure what the future holds but I know that I am not going down without a fight!!! In fact, I already have two interviews for work (and that is in an area that is struggling to provide jobs...the Keweenaw) AND I am opening my own consulting business based on past clients that would like to use my services. I feel fortunate to work with such great owners that they prefer to use my service again...but then, as my wife told me, there IS a reason that these people want to work with me again...I treated them right when I did other projects for them and they were very happy with the services I provided. Good things happen to good people. POSITIVE energy really does allow you to enjoy life regardless of the situation. Honestly...the interviews may not pan out and I will still be jobless but I know that my family in behind me 100 percent and we will do what we have always done...stick together and get through the tough times. If you can do that, I guarantee that the good times will be even better!!
I do not direct my response to ANYONE on this site and I do not wish to offend anyone but I do agree that there seems to be alot of negativity emanating from many of the threads. Doom and gloom so to speak. Well, to h@ll with that. Think positive! Enjoy life! Realize that even if you are having hard times...if you stay positive and work hard, you can turn things around! Look at the important things in life...family, friends, health and just get out and LIVE your life! I certainly undestand that it is difficult to stay positive when you are out of work and the bills begin to pile up, but if you do not work hard to resolve the situation then everything that you say or do is just an EXCUSE!
To those of you that will bash this post...I can only say you need to look inside and I am sure you will find the real cause for all of the anger and negativity. Because, in all honesty, EVERYTHING else is just an excuse!!
Well, I have probably said too much..but hey, I can't help it! Life is too short to stay negative all the time! Live life and THINK SNOW, eh!