


Well said. I too am a positive person in general and I usually surround myself with other positive people. I figure you either can go thru life with a negative attitude or a positive one. I choose the latter, life is more fun that way. I will admit I have been sucked into some of the negative threads but generally try to avoid them.


New member
Michele and guys cut that out. What we gunna do, have to come over there and whack you around some....dis is serious stuff here. Now cut that huggin and backslapp'n around and get serious, or we will jist have to come over there and cick butt.

Now where were we.....??

In all seriousness, what's wrong with expressing your concerns or wants, or feeding out some gripes??

Some people sock their wives, kick the dog, or shoot out window glass even punch a pillow (does that really work, or was my mom just gett'n me off topic for awhile????)....others post on John I ask you which you would rather have??

And remember, we can't all be out there diggin out those one ton sleds from snow banks....or heart failure would rain down on the world, and the universe would get out of parallel, and where would that leave John Dee ...out of a job and nobody to talk to?? Do yah really want that now??? Well do yah punk!!!??? (opps....forgot myself...temperarily)


New member
I agree with all. I even catch myself and refrain from comment when I see it will be deemed as negative or an attack. Lets solve all disputes the manley way, "lets race!!!"


New member
i'm sorry,but it was getting kinda' mushy and was making me feel funny so i thought i would try some comic relief.i think it worked


New member
One thing I really like is that we can edit our rage and call it a spelling edit. LOL I think a lot of misinterpritation (big word) happens here since the posts are in text only. No one can pick up the body language, the smiles, etc. to get the real feel of what is being said. A joke or mild poking can turn into full blown confrontation. Just remember we are snowmobilers. (next to boaters) (oh! and bikers) we are the most friendliest, loyal bunch in the world. At least that's my take on it, I do all three. group hug!


Well-known member
One thing I really like is that we can edit our rage and call it a spelling edit. LOL I think a lot of misinterpritation (big word) happens here since the posts are in text only. No one can pick up the body language, the smiles, etc. to get the real feel of what is being said. A joke or mild poking can turn into full blown confrontation. Just remember we are snowmobilers. (next to boaters) (oh! and bikers) we are the most friendliest, loyal bunch in the world. At least that's my take on it, I do all three. group hug!

Big amen to that!


Well-known member
And (maybe coincidentally, maybe not) since Matt started this thread moods have seemed to lighten up a bit. Maybe we needed a wake-up call.....


Well-known member
One thing I really like is that we can edit our rage and call it a spelling edit. LOL I think a lot of misinterpritation (big word) happens here since the posts are in text only. No one can pick up the body language, the smiles, etc. to get the real feel of what is being said. A joke or mild poking can turn into full blown confrontation. Just remember we are snowmobilers. (next to boaters) (oh! and bikers) we are the most friendliest, loyal bunch in the world. At least that's my take on it, I do all three. group hug!

amen to that brotha!

btw, another double post? what is this? you are getting me in a bad mood! lol jk


New member
hey ya'll how about PMS moods? lol Also nascar nuts like me get really moody on sundays to lol GO JR AND SMOKE!!!!!!! THINK SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
I think all it takes is The Administrator to predict 3 feet of snow from the Southern Iowa border all the way North to Hudson's Bay, from West Coast to East Coast.


New member
I would tend to agree.
Unemployment is nothing like having a job. Many can not even get U.I.

Have a friend who is almost done with U.I. He doesn't answer his phone anymore and has been doing really weird stuff like taking food out of his fridge and putting it outside to save money on electricity. It sounds funny but believe me; it's really f-in sad!