When they finish off the deer herd they will have to change their diet! Good article in Lakeland Times,Nov 27th ,Back thru the Times.By Herman Witt,trapper ,Hunter,Trader.It was in the winter of 1894-95 in northern Michigan,Ontonogan county,28 miles due north of lake Gogebic.About 18 miles east of this lake there was a logging camp operated by a man named Thompson,there were no settlers in this area at the time.2 armed lumberjacks knocked on my shacks door and said the boss wanted to see me. They had found the half breed mail carrier,who carried the mail from Bergland to camp killed and eaten by a pack of timber wolves only a few miles from their camp! Back in those days it was legal to poison wolves.I made up alot of lard pills with poison in them.Mr.thompson took me out to the remains.all I found was crimson blood-stained snow packed with large timber wolf tracks,two 12 inch rubbers with socks protruding and the feet of a man in them.small bits of bones,entrails and shreds of clothes,the largest about the size of a mans hand which was the remains of a red and blue colored mackinaw.There was no mistake I had witnessed the remains of my first and only killing of a man by wolves. I estimated this pack to be about 16 in number! That winter my partner and I caught 50 large timber wolves on which we collected $50 for each scalp at the county seat and $5 extra from Thompson as a bonus because his men started quitting at a high rate.Besides we sold alot of beaver and other fur that spring!I got married shortly after that and didn't trap for awhile as I went to live in Stevens Point.