More " Dog allergy " help .....


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To our beloved pet owners.... Get a load of this revelation ( observation ) !
For months almost the last 1/2 year our dog has had allergies, rashes, inflamed paws, licking, raw paws ect... I have even posted pics of the condition to her paws trying to get feedback. Well... recently we have had snow cover and wouldn't you know it.... her paws & allergies cleared up. i believe she may be allergic to lawn grass ! That is the only explanation left.
Has anyone ever had this happen ? I can't believe it .... she is a dobe, 11+ yrs, and has been suffering the last year with rashes & paw problems that were driving us crazy and the Vet .... rich !

If so.... how did you comfort or treat the condition ? Is there a shot or preventative measure for this type of allegry ?
She is running around like a champ, unbelievable !!!! I'll tell you.

Team Elkhorn

To our beloved pet owners.... Get a load of this revelation ( observation ) !
For months almost the last 1/2 year our dog has had allergies, rashes, inflamed paws, licking, raw paws ect... I have even posted pics of the condition to her paws trying to get feedback. Well... recently we have had snow cover and wouldn't you know it.... her paws & allergies cleared up. i believe she may be allergic to lawn grass ! That is the only explanation left.
Has anyone ever had this happen ? I can't believe it .... she is a dobe, 11+ yrs, and has been suffering the last year with rashes & paw problems that were driving us crazy and the Vet .... rich !

If so.... how did you comfort or treat the condition ? Is there a shot or preventative measure for this type of allegry ?
She is running around like a champ, unbelievable !!!! I'll tell you.
Did you recently treat your lawn with fertilizer or a pesticide when you first noticed the condition? Maybe its that.


New member
One of my pups is allergic to grass.Same exact deal.She would lay in it and her belly would get red and irritated.We bought socks for her paws from woodrow wear.
Genta spray helped for the red areas.


Active member
As a Dobe owner for years, Try Benadryl (2 25mg a day). It is a cheap fix, buy the off brand, same thing. Have you ever had the vet do a test? I spent tons of money on the test with my past Dobe (red) Reba, put her on a special food only to find out it was because the house was dry. Your Dobe is 11 yrs old, YEA, none of mine have lived past 12.


New member
Dog allergy

Yes dogs can be allergic to grass, it is the pollen in the grass that irritates their skin. Try wiping his/her paws off after being out on the grass. Another thing that can make pollen allergies worse is a possible food allergy. Believe it or not dogs and cats can be allergic to ingredients in their food. I had a lab that was allergic to the wheat in his food, once I removed wheat from his diet his grass sensitivity improved. Wheat is a common ingriedent in dog treats and even some big name dog foods. Good luck.

PS- Benadryl is a cheap/temporary fix, ask your vet for the proper dosage. My 95lbs lab used to take up to 4 human strength (25mg) pills.
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New member
Have been giving her the generic claratin, 10mg's , she can take 3X per day but often gets it just 1X. It is amazing that as soon as the lawn was covered, she had recovered in 1 weeks time. I do think that there may be more allergy's but we did the food thing, claratin thing, also benadryl but the snow covering the lawn has produced the most benefit. I may go the testing route just to find out, very interesting how 1 substance effected the reaction and sensitivity of another. It was an ongoing nightmare, get 1 paw healed up and 2 other ones would get enflamed. I also see a new bag of food, this may be " key ".
Thanks for the replys, even the vet said ( @ 1 visit )that the paws looked like a chemical burn. We thought that about the fertilizer but after months of rain & weather & final mowing for the year.... it still kept happening. At 1 time we had " socks " on 3 of her paws.... she would limp so bad we thought she had hurt her leg, back, or a nerve....

My wife thought that she was going to die, she wouldn't even get out of the chair .... so she didn't have to walk to go out to pee ??? or for a drink of water. It was literally so bad ( 1X ) that my wife had mentioned about putting her down. Sounds strange , but that is where we were at....


My bulldog is allegeric to everything, so he takes the generic benedryl two to three times a day( 2-4 pills, depending how itchy he is) along with a half a pill of steriod. This is the only thing that keeps him from scratching his face off and chewing his paws off.


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Our (my wifes) Cavalier King Charles has allergies in the spring and fall, short lived, not sure of the cause. My lawn guy said that the fertilizers they use on the lawn can do a lot to irritate a dog. Rinsing real well after a bath is extremely important and use "dog" shampoo, not human shampoo. got that info from the vet.


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Just a quick question mjkaliszak, what color is your Dobe? The blue and fawns are known for allergy problems.


New member
My dog is allergic to grass too. The summer before last we were at the vet every month in the summer trying to deal with it.

Now starting in March is is two benedryl every day to keep the allergies at bay and that seems to be working. Last summer we had no problems because it was just too hot outside and the grass dried up, but the benedryl also helped a lot too. Hopefully it will keep working. Anything to keep her off the prednisone.

Also, we do not fertilize the grass because of the dogs. I'd rather have healthy dogs than a green carpet of a lawn.


Active member
We spent the money and had a allergy test done after months of trying to help our Shepherd. It was the best money we spent on the dog and it helped a ton to know exactly what he was allergic to. We had him on lamb and rice because that's what the vet suggested as we tried to figure things out. When we got the panel back showing us what he was allergic to rice and lamb were on the top of the list along with many other things, grasses, smoke, fabrics and so many food things that were in the most dog foods. In IL our yard was blue grass and he was allergic to it, different grass in the U.P. thank goodness. He now has been itch free for 7years after lots of searching for a food he could eat and not having his dog bed in a material he was allergic to

Good Luck


I had a dog that was always itching vet wanted to keep pounding with pills it never got better a buddy of mine told me to freeze the dogs dry food before feeding and low and behold

The dog was cured when I asked the vet about it he thought it may have something to do with mites in the food as all dry dog foods have them and by freezing the food it was killing them off