Mother Natures Last Laugh!


New member
Thanks Mother Nature,

Begged, Prayed, Snowdanced,......
This was suppose to happen Late November and on and on,....
Yet you held back and laughed at us (South of the UP snowbelt)
Laughed so hard it had to REALLY hurt,.....
You hold it inside for SO Long,.....
Now,...when we should be getting our mowers and grills all ready for the summer,....
You decide to bring winter back?

You Really have the last laugh!

Screw You Mother Nature!

My sleds are put away,... trailer in the back yard,....
Dreaming of brewski's on the deck,......

Yucktoberary continues,....
Crud for October/November/December/January/February/March,.....
and Now April?????
I gotta hope these next 5 years til I'm outta here fly by fast!!!!

off my box and out to shovel!

Hope (someone) can get up to the UP and enjoy!!!!


Deleted member 10829

Great post! I want to get golfing now that I can't sled. :(

Where are you going in 5 years?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well guys, we've had two marginally poor winters in a row. We're due for a good one so I'm going to remain optimistic. In the mean time I'm going to enjoy Spring, Summer and Fall as they were meant to be.


New member
hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha...ebody still cryin..what a season it was..i had to quit at 3200 miles becuz i was afraid of mileing out a new feb 10...dam