My brother and his talents.


Deleted member 10829

Pretty talented guy, that's for sure! You can sure tell he is your brother by his looks and mannerisms. :)


Staff member
Thanks Mark.

The best news is he will be here this weekend and is moving here in May! Bought a place not far away from us!

We had TONS of fun growing up as kids and I am looking forward to being a kid again! :)


Deleted member 10829

That is great news! I hope to see some of those kid moments in upcoming journals.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I'm not much of an art guy, and I'm not saying this just to be nice, you know me better than that, but, I really like what I just watched in that video. Very cool. Your mom must be pretty proud of her successful children.


Active member
Nice video. It was funny, last year when I spent some time with Jim and we started talking about what we did his response to me what that he "just paints rectangles". It's a whole lot more than that. I've thought many times I should have asked him about buying the painting he had in his car that weekend.


Active member
Hey, great news! Congratulations to Jim on the move!

… It was funny, last year when I spent some time with Jim and we started talking about what we did his response to me what that he "just paints rectangles".…
Now in May he can start painting "snow rectangles" (white of course!) :p


Well-known member
very cool! I have zero talent with drawing and painting. Color by number still gets me, barely stay within the lines! Its amazing how we all have different talents and how good people can be at their talent.


Active member
Bam,you now have someone to help paint your house. Tell him you would do it yourself ,but he is so good at it.