NANO OIL... the future arrives


New member
I love this type of stuff (ok maybe a sucker) but hey "Take my Money"

But if it helps the crap gas we have now days, and I would like to try the grease, if new sleds had grease zerks on them.



no snake oil at all....and I do use slick 50 for now...but this might be the new 50...we have been developing this and stuff like it for years now



like dis....and a couple o tread designs and lug heights and VCI track position....oops...I digress....LMAO



Active member
Nano oil? Nano lubrication?
Nano diamonds? One of the hardest materials on the planet (In particular, diamond has the highest hardness and thermal conductivity of any bulk material.) used as a lubricant? Whadda concept. Whoda thunkit? :cool:


Nano oil? Nano lubrication?
Nano diamonds? One of the hardest materials on the planet (In particular, diamond has the highest hardness and thermal conductivity of any bulk material.) used as a lubricant? Whadda concept. Whoda thunkit? :cool:

yes NANO will be king in the future...along with this....we could potentially have a perpetual motion machine as well...self healing and self lubricating



Active member
yes NANO will be king in the future...along with this....we could potentially have a perpetual motion machine as well...self healing and self lubricating …

I'm sure glad that "Everything that can be invented has been invented." as has been erroneously attributed to Charles H. Duell, the Commissioner of US patent office in 1899!

Or, as found in a report to Congress in 1843 by an earlier Patent Office Commissioner, Henry Ellsworth, where Ellsworth states:
"The advancement of the arts, from year to year, taxes our credulity and seems to presage the arrival of that period when human improvement must end."

To which I can only add:
The coming century.jpg


what are you talking aboot there nash....I don't understand because not everything has been invented or ever will think it is? you think nano is snake oil? please explain...and ask me anything you want to know about new technology and inventions and I will try to show it to you or explain it....this is one of the latest projects I am working on...a cure for cancer....all nano....all the time...great things are coming



healing organs...if it can do this it can certainly do your engine good also



Active member
what are you talking aboot there nash....I don't understand

Whatcha don' unnastan' is that I was juat quoting some addled old fossils from the 19th century (that's 1800-1899 :stupid: ) who believed at that time that "Everything that can be invented has been invented." (or words to that effect). Didja catch that "The Coming Century" bit?

As for myself, they better hurry up with those medical self-healing features 'cuz my creaky old bod jes gits creakier and creakier each year.

If they don't hurry up with that in time to be of benefit to me, then I hope ta hеll that after the rest of my body parts fail they'll have the technology to support my brain in a COSTCO pickle jar (kinda like hydroponics) with a wireless virtual reality implant so I can go on enjoying 'life" indefinitely with the new technologies to come! (With "Smell-O-Vision" & "Taste-O-Vision", etc. a part of that VR technology too.)
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well I got news for ya....your gonna be surprised because you are moving on again with all new parts...there is no end...rather many transitions instead....16 so far but who knows what might be possible...your only a fish in a pond right now...and....NANOs might point the way to it all.....another one for this

PS...the membrane he speaks of is the border between dimensions and the purgatory in religion and the area where ghosts are visible....all one in the same



Johnny baby, none of this is happening in MY lifetime, or Fnash's, and I hate to burst your bubble, but probably not yours either!
Nor will we be traveling to Alpha Centauri, Mar's, or finding sasquatch, yetti, or bigfoot either. LOL!
So faa-gett-a-bot-it.


Johnny baby, none of this is happening in MY lifetime, or Fnash's, and I hate to burst your bubble, but probably not yours either!
Nor will we be traveling to Alpha Centauri, Mar's, or finding sasquatch, yetti, or bigfoot either. LOL!
So faa-gett-a-bot-it.

news flash TRIPLEX....they figured out an ION DRIVE and XENON LIGHT if you put on space craft and match lights wave length then craft will travel faster than the speed of light....there are CURRENTLY 2 space probes going to alpha centauri and are at 99.6% speed of light and gaining speed every minute...after light speed is achieved then they match the wavelengths of protons which move inside light faster than speed of will be there in years...our lifetime maybe....and there is a WARP DRIVE also which can make the journey in 1 month instead of 1 million years...I will show you the ION DRIVE first....and the 2 probes are named....NEW HORIZON and DAWN...these are the 2 oldest ones...there are new ones being tested and will be operational soon and will overtake these 2 by light years...I know it sounds crazy but it is all real....same as bigfoot and time travelers (aliens)...I will post only factual videos...start here and learn that the future is already here and not just some dream any more...this engine was on display this year at the Indiana welcome center and was seen by thousands of people and is no dream



this is how the motor achieves light speed...imagine putting a ship inside a light would instantly be doing the speed of light....then match a proton inside of light...faster than speed of light....the ship can be the same as a packet



You have to know Track-ster, there's a big diff between sending a DAWN probe into interstellar space, and doing it with a man or three on board.
Those probes you speak of are very light weight, with limited pulse energy, and huge limitations in ability to SLOW DOWN once they reach a destination.
They aren't even talking about manned Mars missions until 2030 now, (More likely 2040 or beyond) and will cost trillions. At this point likely a one way trip.
I repeat - what you're reading about won't happen in our lifetime.


You have to know Track-ster, there's a big diff between sending a DAWN probe into interstellar space, and doing it with a man or three on board.
Those probes you speak of are very light weight, with limited pulse energy, and huge limitations in ability to SLOW DOWN once they reach a destination.
They aren't even talking about manned Mars missions until 2030 now, (More likely 2040 or beyond) and will cost trillions. At this point likely a one way trip.
I repeat - what you're reading about won't happen in our lifetime.

you really gotta get out the cabin more often dude....your YEARS behind and that mars crap is just fodder for the masses....this is the one...not those...and you didn't watch those films....I suggest you do for NEW INSIGHTS that are decades beyond the mars crap



the warp drive explained...its all in the waves

You have a wild imagination. Those are just someone making internet YouTube videos which ANYONE can do.
It will take trillions to do this and Obummer greatly defunded NASA, so just to RAMP up again will take congressional appropriations and years of fighting. I was idealistic about stuff like this once too - in grade school. Now not so much.
I get out plenty, I just don’t read, or watch, fairy tales!
Happy Thanksgiving- the turkey cooking in 4 hours is reality and I’m all over it!