Need input on project


New member
That's a good question, I didn't see any vin# on it. I was just going to use my same reg. I used before.
Just use an engraver and put your old vin # on new tunnel. That is what I did on my sons 03 700 RMK that he totalled and I bought back and redone. I ground the numbers off old tunnel then off to scrap yard it went with a load of aluminum siding the neighbor gave me.


New member
Looks good, I have bought back many sleds from the insurance co's. Bang them back out replace parts or whatever... The sled is paid for, and you were paid for it. Win / Win to me....... Some times I will sell & upgrade but I normally make sure I do a stand up job on the repair. Back in the day I would hammer out the dented tunnel, the ins co's would total a sled just for a kink in the tunnel or buckle.

Your sled looks nice.
Nice Job, all you need to do now is change out those idler wheels with billet ones and move them inside the rails for some good sidehilling. Really does look good, one of cleanest 03 I've seen.