Need to get a motorcycle from Wyoming to Michigan or close.


Well-known member
I found a motorcycle in Wyoming and im having a hard time trying to figure out how to get it back to Michigan. Even if I could get it to Minnesota would be fine. Any ideas?


Well-known member
try bcr rebels lots of Midwestern transplants on there .
Get Lucky comes back from WY some what often .I have payed him to get a sled back to MN like 120 bucks. and he drove down to Kremmling to pick it up.
I may know a guy heading to N CO and back next mo for the right money I am sure he would pull a trailer and hook up on 80 some place


New member
Try website.

Polaris is right. Uship let's you bid it out and guys who are deadheading will look at this site to hook up a load. Just be sure whoever it is has load insurance and keep a copy of it for your records. I have used this for bikes before. Must have the tank empty of gasoline.


New member
I have shipped three boats with Uship and it was very easy. I live in Northern WI and the boats were in Virgina, Kentucky and Denver. All of the shippers were camper haulers that were headed back to Indiana for another load and did the deliveries for less than half of what it would have cost me to go get them. Sign up for an account and it is free to list the shipment. Very easy!!!