Not sure where you are in Breaking Bad but it really does continue to get better. Season 4 and 5 are some fo the best tv I have ever seen. Last episode is Sept 29th.
well,,,I got a little obsessed with the show and have watched all the episodes on netflix and than I watched season 5 episodes to current on YouTube
Darn you Lenny, I checked it out last night and sat there for 3 hours. It was the part were the guy took his last barrel of money and went to stay at the camp in the winter. I suspect this is right up to current. what season am I on with those episodes.
wow, "Breaking Bad" came to an end tonight and they did a great job with the last episode. I predicted that Walt would get even with the new kid and his thug uncle/buds. Jessie walked which IMO was a good plan.
Now that it's over, Breaking Bad is still rated 9.5 out of 10 on (click →) IMDB.
It was holding at a solid 10 out of 10 before the last episode, an all-time record, I think.
Perhaps some folks didn't like the final episode; I thought it was just a bit erratic compared to the rest of the series.
The series did have some of the most brilliant writing I've ever seen: Outstanding character development. Regular ever-so-subtle foreshadowing of coming events. Suspense? Terror? In spades!
Burning out on TV. Any good movie suggestions? Just watched "Hangover III" and "Heat".
Looks like Netflix has put some hurt on Blockbuster. Blockbuster announced the other day that they are closing the last 300 or so stores.
Is Red box the way to go now? Movies are a buck and the redbox is about 300 yds. from my house but I never used it.
do you watch netflix? If not you gotta watch the entire series of "breaking bad"
Burning out on Netflix. Is Grown Up 2 any good?