New 4 month season: Yucktoberary~


New member
New Month that lasts from November 15 to March 15,....

Post Fall ~ Pre Spring,....

Where the temps for highs are between 38 and 50-something,....
Skies are a beautiful hue of Grey

and everytime the snow lovers stand in line for a chance of seeing the white stuff,...
Hopes are dashed by wind driven pouing rains instead.

Where Monday is the same as Friday,....

Groundhogs day Everyday over and over and over and over,.....

Where having the flu is the only hope for a change of scenery!


Mother Natures NEW period.

The time where all the Old ladies,... and snow haters will come to love!
Saves on my heating bill,... though the sump pump runs constantly,....
Where fishing from the newly formed lakes in your back yard make Spring look like

I'm dreaming of a DRY Christmas,......


Think Positive Everyone!

Saw on facebook a cool conversion kit,...
to make your sled into an ATV!!!!

Maybe if they put gravel down on the trails,...
We can enjoy Yucktoberary for MORE than 4 months!!!!
There IS Hope!

Mudballs replaced Snowballs!

Fun for Everyone!

Post YOUR favorite upcoming memories of Yucktoberary below!

Peace! :)


New member
Note: last night before I drifted off into a Yucktoberary slumber,....
as the sweet sounds of Pouring rain and distant thunder filled my skull pains,....
the local Weather Comedian said:
This 3 day storm is ONLY 1/3rd thru,... and if this was snow,...
We would have around 14" on the ground!

The News Comedian looks and says,... Well thank goodness we don't have to
shovel THAT!

Lets see,....
December 14th,..14 inches multiplied by 3 (because we were only 1/3rd through)
Old calculater says that would be uhm,.... 42inches.

Now THAT would be something to read about!!!!!

Oh ya,... Local Weather Comedian also commented on how the 3 days of cold temps coming
up will only be a short lived event,... with warm to return!

Maybe,... I can hope for catching a cold or something for Christmas!


Good thing I took a vacation day!


Active member
Note: last night before I drifted off into a Yucktoberary slumber,....
as the sweet sounds of Pouring rain and distant thunder filled my skull pains,....
the local Weather Comedian said:
This 3 day storm is ONLY 1/3rd thru,... and if this was snow,...
We would have around 14" on the ground!

The News Comedian looks and says,... Well thank goodness we don't have to
shovel THAT!

Lets see,....
December 14th,..14 inches multiplied by 3 (because we were only 1/3rd through)
Old calculater says that would be uhm,.... 42inches.

Now THAT would be something to read about!!!!!

Oh ya,... Local Weather Comedian also commented on how the 3 days of cold temps coming
up will only be a short lived event,... with warm to return!

Maybe,... I can hope for catching a cold or something for Christmas!


Good thing I took a vacation day!
Looking at the ten day for pretty much everywhere the winds always come out of the S to SW. Never going to get cold or snow when that happens. At this point I honestly wouldn't be surprised if many lakes don't freeze over in the midwest.


New member
I love when everyone starts off the conversation with " I know you hate this, but I love Yucktoberary weather!" Bite me!


New member
I like the name of the "new season", and I must agree on all points. I don't feel the pain as much as those of you who still own sleds though. I'd be one ticked off dude if I had a sled in the shed. If and when it snows enough, I'll hop in the groomer for a day, the sleds will tear the h3LL out of the trails for two days, and the season will be over. It is what it is I suppose. Sorry BigVin!! At least those in the snow belt have a chance of getting LES. We down here in southern WI don't stand a chance. If it doesn't freeze hard every night for at least a week, there might not be any grooming going on at all, with all the rain we just got AGAIN. I'm not too keen on getting stuck in the mud with a groomer. Snow is bad enough to dig out of.


New member
New Month that lasts from November 15 to March 15,....

Post Fall ~ Pre Spring,....

Where the temps for highs are between 38 and 50-something,....
Skies are a beautiful hue of Grey

and everytime the snow lovers stand in line for a chance of seeing the white stuff,...
Hopes are dashed by wind driven pouing rains instead.

Where Monday is the same as Friday,....

Groundhogs day Everyday over and over and over and over,.....

Where having the flu is the only hope for a change of scenery!


Mother Natures NEW period.

The time where all the Old ladies,... and snow haters will come to love!
Saves on my heating bill,... though the sump pump runs constantly,....
Where fishing from the newly formed lakes in your back yard make Spring look like

I'm dreaming of a DRY Christmas,......


Think Positive Everyone!

Saw on facebook a cool conversion kit,...
to make your sled into an ATV!!!!

Maybe if they put gravel down on the trails,...
We can enjoy Yucktoberary for MORE than 4 months!!!!
There IS Hope!

Mudballs replaced Snowballs!

Fun for Everyone!

Post YOUR favorite upcoming memories of Yucktoberary below!

Peace! :)

Sounds like new Yooper hit song in the makings?


Well-known member
Only positive to come out of this is that in the Midwest, we'll drink to anything!

Sleds were sitting in the garage all summer and most of fall. ...glad I finally got them put away in the trailer so they can't mock me anymore.

- - - Updated - - -

.....and then there are the needlers at work who know you snowmobile and ask how much snow is "up north" knowing full well that it sux all over.


New member
------- EAT $&IT --------
------ due to lack of snow and crappy fishing I will
Be taking my frustration out on you. For every
Person I hear say I hate snow or this weather is
Nice I will firmly put my foot where the sun don't
Shine. I recommend all fellow SNOW LOVERS to
Follow me and do the same also due to extreme
Lack of good mood please stop making asking
Me if I'm riding this weekend if I've had a chance
To test ride my m8 or anything involving my love
For the greatest thing ever (SNOW) you will no
Longer be a friend .simply someone I walk by and
Act like I don't know you.....

-------- secondary notice ---------

WELL heading up shortly my mood is slightly improving hope everyone else's does sure do miss when everyone was excited snow or not. All good things take time right???? I mean paddle track didn't pop out a thin air. Or boondocker turbos. STAY POSITIVE



Active member
A week from today I will be driving past Big Vins house. I think I will stop by with a six pack of Somber Shandy and a big hug. You could also tell your wife you were kidnapped by some little fella from Chicago,and taken to the UP snow Gods to be sacrificed for a week or so.


New member
Welllllll we rode not much but we got a few miles. I'd say it couldn't of been a better weekend for a shakedown run.plenty of snow think I put 20 miles on my m8 and about same on my snow pro. For those of you that know last year my m8 decided it wanted to eat a piston so It was very nice to have it in running order again!!!!! Anyways can't wait for the ride in this year me and my buddy will be there for first time ever.



New member
That's Awesome Woodtic! (probably will have to kidnap me from "work" though,...) Have SAFE Travels!
Roads should be nice and freaking CLEAR when you go through THESE PARTS!!!
Yucktoberary is in full force!
40 miles north of Green Bay,...21st of December,... Still no snow,...Still Raining,.... and now the local
Weather Comedians say "HEY!,... CLOSE TO 50 for Christmas!!! and the little old ladies and the LAZY ones at
the local store say "ISN"T THIS GREAT!" and "Too bad you all spent your money foolishly on Stupid Snowmobile's"

Man,... I can't wait for (dreaming of) a HUGE SNOW STORM!!! so I can say,... "IN YOUR FACE!!!"

Well,.. a guy can dream,... can't he?


YUCKTOBERARY Sucks!,.......
Please Stop the Torture!!!!!

a 50 degree Christmas?


the UP will be pounded!
I will just look at the pics,.....

this year, snow, go.

Well,...maybe in Jan.

...........................................double ugh.


going to the garage and sit on the sled now.


New member
I'm telling ya it'll come. I've been home allllll week doing nothing because the whole family is sick trying to get up north but we shall see. Neighbor called me last night said we got some snow in trout lake not sure how much he sounded like he had about 3 to many cocktails lol. Hope it works out bro.



New member
Actually got a solid 11" here! Great "start"! Went from fall to full phase in ONE dump!
the local river is now freezing up,.... ONE MORE and I'd say we're set!!!!
Still hopeful!

Hope everyone feels better,... Sick sucks!

Off to work!,....

Think LOTS of SNOW!!!!!


Looks like the west side of the Marinette county is opening up. I might run up for new years day. My buddy has to work on Sat. so I can only go for a day unfortunately. You think its worth coming up for a day?


New member
With a Short season,.. and the trails opening up,...ANY day is worth it!
The East side won't open until after bow season on the 4th,... but hey,...
They weren't open here at ALL last season!
I am working also :( Post some Yucktoberary snow pics!!!! and give update if ya header up this way!

Think * Snow!!!


New member
Bro sno envy for sure we have a dusting here in ft wayne well just north of the ft. We are froze up good ground good and solid so we will see how it holds out. Heading to the yoop soon so that'll be nice hopefully this winter ends up great seems to be heading that way for sure.
