New Dogs


Hi John,

Kids and I loved the new dog journal entry! The kids were just wondering if they were going to "live outside" or be coming in.

Take care, stay safe, and as always thanks for the site!


Staff member
You betcha!

They did spend their first night in the garage inside cages with blankets in them, but that was more for them as we did not want them to be outside but also did not want them stressed out by Huck and Bleau. Ever since, they have been inside and not in cages. They have adopted the laundry room as theirs, so we just close the doggy gate there, to keep Huck and Bleau from disturbing them at night. They are slowly getting adjusted to their new environment and we all cannot wait for them to feel relaxed in all that is happening here. Bleau and Huck have been great too. No conflicts. Just lots of investigating each other.

Take care too!
