New Gear Prices


New member
So, I've been looking for some new gear for my wife for Christmas both online and in store. I've been shocked by the prices of new gear. I know the great advancements in material but still.........

I know I can go to Dicks Sporting Goods and buy snow pants, but I'd like to get her gear specifically designed for riding snowmobiles. At $175-$300 for a pair of pants/bibs and another $175-$300 for a coat (not to mention boots or a new snowmobile), how are they not pricing themselves out of sales and growth.

I read an article about how snow skiing is pricing themselves out of the middle class. I think riding is well on its why as well.

Has anyone else noticed this and what are you thoughts?


Well-known member
You want high tech garments you pay for them simple as that. You can buy Carharts that work well & Walmart has their stuff too but no idea if it works. Check out FXR has good multilevel gear available lots of sizes. If price is an issue don't check out Klim you will have sticker shock.


New member
Couple of my buddies are just getting in the sport too and they didnt want to spend a ton of money on all the gear. Somethings like jackets and bibs you can find really good deals on ebay. He picked up a really nice Ski-doo jacket for 80 bucks brand new. Also swap meets have things like helmets for cheap. My buddy got a modular and HJC both with heated shields for 30 bucks. Id keep looking on ebay and in classified section of sites like this one and you will find things. But remember with gear, you usually get what you pay for. Good luck with Dicks snow pants when its blowing 30 and 0 degrees out or less.


New member
What we do is shope close out stuff. I know with both the wife and I, we have gotten our stuff at 50% off just because its last years model. Most sled shops have a lot of cloths that they have on sale. Where are you located?


New member
Yeah the stuff isn't very cheap. However you can get good bibs for $100 and a coat for not much more. When you start talking boots another $100 then gloves at least $50. Right there is $350 on the very conservative side. Now you're talking helmet and I must have over $400 in that. It's a modular 2 with a heated shield. I know that you can find better prices than what you found in the OP.


New member
You want high tech garments you pay for them simple as that. You can buy Carharts that work well & Walmart has their stuff too but no idea if it works. Check out FXR has good multilevel gear available lots of sizes. If price is an issue don't check out Klim you will have sticker shock.

X2, except Carharts are not cheap and the bibs love to give a wet seat. I buy all closeouts. Just have to be at right place at right time.

Also remember, "If Momma isn't happy, then no one is happy." (married 33 years for a reason). Buy her the Diva stuff, she will be so happy that you view her as your Diva and we are not referring to an Opera singer.


Well-known member
You can buy mens set of Carhart bibs & winter Jacket up here for $200 not on sale very warm stuff & lots of Carhart retail here. Probably yes on the wet butt in wet conditions but very warm & wear like iron. Just giving an alternative to the high tech stuff & price. Mama not going to wear Carharts


New member
Snow shows in the fall, only place i buy! Left over prices are really good. Seems like Highland Yamaha has really good prices.


Super Moderator
Staff member
As a kid growing up with snowmobiles my first year gear included a knit cap, mittens, and whatever coat I happen to be wearing that year. The helmets and one piece suits came shortly after. I'm fortunate that I'm currently equipped with quality gear but it didn't happen overnight and it helps to have an understanding wife.

I've had some luck in buying off season for better prices. My current sled was purchased in August and I still recall the odd looks from people as I hauled it home on one of the hottest days of the year. End of the season at the dealers and the Snow Shows in the fall are opportunities also.

Agreed, the prices are extreme but apparently the demand is there to support the current market. I guess we bite the bullet or go with a lesser quality.


New member
FXR bibs and jacket, forget that castle crap, and Baffin boots. Tried 5 pair of boots for the "ex" and baffin were the only boots that she never complained... check that, complained that she was "too hot" at times. If she isn't warm you aren't riding. There is no more middle class. All toys, trucks, boats you name are priced way out of line, but that is the world we live in.. If you want to play, you gotta pay.


New member
I hate to break it to you, but all recreational products are going this same way. For the most part, participants in a lot of outdoor activities fall in one of two categories: 1. The super-wealthy that want the best of everything and can pay for it, or 2. The fanatical that appreciate the technical and quality aspects of their gear and will sacrifice in other areas of their life to get the best gear for their sport. The gear manufacturers recognize this and that's where they target their products. The "mass" market of ordinary folks just continues to dwindle for a lot of recreational activites because people simply can't afford it anymore or they are too busy running around to all their kids sports and activities to justify spending the money on an activity they have no time for. Boating, snowmobiling, skiing, hunting, fishing...basically all the family activites we all enjoyed growing up are all facing this challenge.

Its kind of like the discussion "why don't the sled manufacturers make a $5000 snowmobile anymore?" Answer is because the people that are actually buying new snowmobiles want all the awesome stuff that a $12,000 snowmobile has, so that's whats offered and sold by the manufacturers.
I'll always remember what a salesman at a marina told my dad when he complained about the price of a mooring line. If you can't afford the rope you can't afford the boat.


New member
I got into this last year with 2 decent used sleds ('97&'02Yama triples) and gear for $7k..I could have spent way more but my priorities are elsewhere..i'm sort of shocked that you can buy yesterdays tec in sleds so someone really takes a beating...apparel isn't bad if you purchase last years fashions...I'm more interested in warm and comfort than chic. Granted, overall world wide this is a tiny market.


New member
Current year stuff is always pricey. That why you can get previous year stuff and prolly get half to three quarters off. Unless there is a complete radical change, it's the same thing, just different outer design.

That's how I bought my new helmet this year for $80 instead of $150.


I'd guess about from helmet to socks costs for all decent gear all from scratch is around $1000.
This times a family of 5 = :)