Nora, it was nice to see the entry and the updates.
Skyler or Gary, I'm not sure if Nora checks the board much but, if this is helpful, maybe one of you can make sure Nora sees this and maybe her neighbor she talked about the tractor can help make some adjustments...
In the journal, Nora talked about getting the correct height to use the snowblower and throwing rocks if adjust down to far. I don't have a rock drive but I had a few thoughts and maybe the guys with the rock drives can chime in as well. Also, I'm sure throwing rocks is just part of a rock drive and a snowblower somewhat, but of course you want to minimize it as much as possible.
- This is the first winter in the house the drive is still new. therefore it's not a compacted like and older drive. Blower skids might need to be higher than normal.
- I would assume the first snow clearing you pick up more rocks, but after that it's probably less due to having a base built up and the rocks being more frozen together and having the tractor adjusted correctly.
- Tractor adjustments - I'm not sure what John did for snow clearing during construction maybe this has been done already but...
- Being a new drive, and not clearing the drive this year. John may not have had a chance to adjust the skid shoes and scraper bar. I just bought a new JD x590 with a blower. I even adjust mine a bit after the first use and I have a concrete drive that is flat.
- Skid shoes - I know they make some for my tractor that are aftermarket and they give more adjustment then the stock set. I have seen guys on the JD forums talk about how it gives more height adjustment which helps in gravel drives...
- Maybe other's have some tips and tricks that could help.
Maybe I'm way off base, but I hope this can help..