New Michigan drunk driving laws


New member
i have a rule of one beer per car has 4, my harley has two, my snowmobile has fouteen wheels so there.loopholes,ya gotta love it.


New member
I suspect that in my lifetime I will see the Bars and Taverns go by the wayside same as the Cigarette machine. I am most definately against drunk driving. A "Bar" in this day and age makes no sense. I suspect that it will get to the point of a one drink limit with dinner. I am also not sure if "Drunk driving fines" are a money making industry the state wants to be in. Eventually they have to lock you up hence negative income. For now, the best solution is to factor in a cab for a ride home. One DUI will cost as much as 1000+ cab rides. Not a bad deal. I will take the cab.


New member
There used to be someone in the UP who would come get you with a trailer if you broke down or had to much to drink. I use to have there card but that was a few years ago. It's a good idea if your sitting to long with the locals having a good time or you brake down.


New member
Like the loss of cigarette machines was a huge blow to Society, LOL

No worries there is plenty of money to be made without over serving people. At least here.


Well-known member
i have a rule of one beer per car has 4, my harley has two, my snowmobile has fouteen wheels so there.loopholes,ya gotta love it.

I hope after your 14 beers on a sled that you are not in my neighborhood. That was just not a cool comment.

Years ago I found someone laying next to his sled at 4 in the morning after he hit a tree. Luckly he was ok, just very, very drunk. Climbing out of that groomer that morning and going to see if he had a pulse was one of the scariest things I have ever encountered. I hope it never happens again and I hope it never hapeens to you. Grow up before it's to late.


New member
Thanks John

A-Men felonious_rider!

Very well put. Some folks seem to forget that the only way you are going to get caught breaking the law is IF YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW!

Grow up, act responsibly and you have no worries.

Not that I am for a nanny state, but some folks do think drinking and driving is a sport and some even go so far as to be like they are in training for the Olympics!

With all of that said, I don't think it is good practice for them to sit outside a bar and wait for patrons to get in their vehicles and turn the key on, unless that establishment is thumbing it's nose at their responsibilities to make sure their patrons are not stumbling out of the place plastered.


I appreciate the praise John Dee, Its nice to have others agree with you and Thank You for allowing all of us to mass communicate on your fantastic website. I


New member
I too, know first hand knowledge of the toll a drink can take upon someone you care for. Once it happens, your views of this topic will change forever.

Having said that, I do know that there are rules against Cops just pulling everyone over who drives out of a bar parking lot. Probable cause is something they live and work on. If they did NOT have probable cause to pull someone over, they lose the whole case right there. It must be open and just don't break any laws, weave in and out of a lane or give them a reason to pull you over.

In Canada, they don't need probable cause. If they suspect you were drinking, they can legally pull you over and put you under arrest.

Canada is more socialistic than the USA which assumes you are innocent until you have done something wrong.

Just for the record, the same rules for snowmobiling, boating and driving your car all mean that you better not blow .08 on the beathometer. And just because the law says .08 doesn't mean that someone who is .07 can drive home without concern. One drink begins impairment, and many have died while still having below the level limits in their blood.

Impairment means to be unable to do your best while driving a motorized machine. If you drink you should always consider yourself impaired when you climb behind the wheel/handlebars, and let someone who didn't drink do the driving. It just makes sense.

John is spot on, that some establishments fall back on insurance to protect them when someone walks out of the place with rubber legs. This puts the burden on the owner of the establishment AND his employees. If the cops know that people who close the place are likely to be drunk, they are not only doing their jobs to watch and pull you over, but they are preventing the other scene where they are marking painted arrows and shooting video tape of the accident scene. If you do that enough, I am sure it would make you sick and tired of it and even feel that they might have been able to prevent that if only.....

Life is precious and short enough without doin the stupid....and if you can't understand that....then hopefully you will only take your own life and not someone else with it when you decide that you are willing to take the chance. In such a case, Mr. Darwin will have made another point for his theory.


Well-known member
Boondocker, very well said. It's refreshing to know that there are some very sensible people out there.

Leave the drinking for after the ride, problem solved!