New Northwoods Cam Network


Staff member
I have installed the much-needed upgrade to the NCN. Not all of the cams are in it yet, as I really wanted to get it going before this first big storm. I will be adding the rest of the cams over the next week or so, as well as some new ones I have found. So be patient and it will be fully completed sometime next week (early I hope!).

Hope you all find the upgrade an improvement. It will be way easier for me to maintain and we are starting off fresh with working cams only! If you or someone you know had a cam in the old network and it is not working, but will be soon, please let me know when it is back up and running and I will get it added.



Hi John, great job on the new format. Just a heads up though, The Eau Claire and the La Crosse camera's are the same camera.


Is there anyway to scroll left/right to see the entire cam on a mobile device? I have been unable to figure that part out. I can scroll up and down, just not left and right. Zooming just makes it worse, so hoping for suggestions!

On a positive note, the icons are much easier to hit and more accurate!